N ntglay 普通会员 2003-07-03 33 0 0 2003-08-18 #10 晕,本人在网上找了个软件http://www.gd87.it/eng/software.html GoldWave (845 kb) Software by which you can listen to your MFM files on your PC and you can edit your Wave files to be converted into MFM. 这上面解释明明写着可以试听MFM格式的铃声,,可蓝色东明偏偏说不可以~~~~
晕,本人在网上找了个软件http://www.gd87.it/eng/software.html GoldWave (845 kb) Software by which you can listen to your MFM files on your PC and you can edit your Wave files to be converted into MFM. 这上面解释明明写着可以试听MFM格式的铃声,,可蓝色东明偏偏说不可以~~~~
W wuwang 管理员 2003-06-01 7,277 0 0 2003-09-26 #12 管他说行不行,你自己试过行就行啊。。。哈哈。。。。。 会穿附件了吗? 点浏览,找到你的附件,然后直接回复帖子。。。OK