C caicai 普通会员 2003-07-12 7 0 0 2003-09-07 #5 但我用PCLINK不能连接,每次都是绿色进度去到100%后弹出Make sure that your phone is connected with cable on PC.Turn off the power of your phone before connecting to the PC.Tis software only supports SGH-T400 mobile phone,还有插线后是不亮灯的,会是什么原因?
但我用PCLINK不能连接,每次都是绿色进度去到100%后弹出Make sure that your phone is connected with cable on PC.Turn off the power of your phone before connecting to the PC.Tis software only supports SGH-T400 mobile phone,还有插线后是不亮灯的,会是什么原因?
小 小丑 社区贡献者 2003-07-01 2,595 0 0 2003-09-07 #9 因为几个斑竹手里没有410的机器~~所以没有办法详细的回答你~~也许410和400不一样~~看你说的好象需要个端口驱动