G gxzs667 普通会员 2005-05-31 45 0 0 2005-09-07 #1 我想问一下 西门子c65要想用数据线在电脑上传东西 用不用什么驱动程序呀 还是数据线是即插即用的呀 希望大家能帮我解决这个问题 小弟在这里感激不进!!
H hongqiao 普通会员 2005-08-12 11 0 0 2005-09-16 #2 use infrared port. i have the phone manager program. if you need, send email to me: hongqiao123@gmail.com
use infrared port. i have the phone manager program. if you need, send email to me: hongqiao123@gmail.com