通訊速率沒有問題,即便是使用最慢的也都是一樣,Read Range改為老大給的15MB範圍同樣無效。小弟將Debug Mode打開,見裡面的錯誤為PC與手機數據CRC值不同,因而出錯,不知何以會這樣,小弟選的hardware Platform為S200,應該沒錯,但就算嘗試改為S300或S208等同樣不用。現將OptiFlash的Log貼上,望哪位老大幫忙看看該怎樣解決。不勝感謝!
I E1 09:45:26 OptiFlash started!
I E2 09:45:26 Preferences section [Default] selected!
I E3 09:45:34 ThreadGUI started
I E4 09:45:34 ThreadProtocol started
I E5 09:45:34 Boot loader protocol type: passive
I E6 09:45:34 Flash loader: D:\optiflash\sceptre3_sgh_hw4.sre
I E7 09:45:34 Opened COM2 at 115200 baud
I E8 09:45:34 PC transfer speeds (COM2): 57600 115200
I E9 09:45:34 Loading S-record file: <D:\optiflash\sceptre3_sgh_hw4.sre>, RangeCheck=Off
I E10 09:45:34 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
I E11 09:45:34 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00004a4b = 19020 Bytes
I E12 09:45:34 SendFile=D:\optiflash\sceptre3_sgh_hw4.sre, Mode=3
I E13 09:45:34 Power on mobile !
I E14 09:45:35 TalkToBootloader (using COM2)
I E15 09:45:35 Talking to passive bootloader
I E16 09:45:40 Bootloader V2.2 using UART1
I E17 09:45:40 ROM mask ID: 0x00004544 ( ED)
I E18 09:45:40 ID register: 0x000203bb (Trident II)
I E19 09:45:40 Bootloader type: 3
I E20 09:45:40 Max. transfer size: 2176 bytes
I E21 09:45:40 Send: 0x00000000 - 0x000007ff (=2048)
I E22 09:45:40 Send: 0x00000800 - 0x00000fff (=2048)
I E23 09:45:40 Send: 0x00001000 - 0x000017ff (=2048)
I E24 09:45:40 Send: 0x00001800 - 0x00001fff (=2048)
I E25 09:45:40 Send: 0x00002000 - 0x000027ff (=2048)
I E26 09:45:41 Send: 0x00002800 - 0x00002fff (=2048)
I E27 09:45:41 Send: 0x00003000 - 0x000037ff (=2048)
I E28 09:45:41 Send: 0x00003800 - 0x00003fff (=2048)
I E29 09:45:41 Send: 0x00004000 - 0x000047ff (=2048)
I E30 09:45:41 Send: 0x00004800 - 0x00004a4b (=588)
I E31 09:45:41 TalkToBootloader: OK
I E32 09:45:42 Duration: 1s
I E33 09:45:42 SendFile=F:\Save.sre, Mode=2
I E34 09:45:42 TalkToFlashloader (using COM2)
I E35 09:45:42 Switching over to flash loader
I E36 09:45:42 COM2 is connected to UART1
I E37 09:45:42 Sync'ing to flash loader
I E38 09:45:42 Querying device information
I E39 09:45:42 Flash loader version: V4.13
I E40 09:45:42 Max. TX/RX size: 65536/32768
I E41 09:45:42 Mobile transfer speeds: 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800
I E42 09:45:42 Detected flash chips: 2
I E43 09:45:42 1: Manufacturer: 0xb0, Device: 0x00b1
I E44 09:45:42 2: Manufacturer: 0xb0, Device: 0x00b0
I E45 09:45:42 0xb0/0x00b1: Sharp LRS1393 (or LRS1395 first bank) (8 MB (8388608 Bytes) in 135 sectors)
I E46 09:45:42 0xb0/0x00b0: Sharp LRS1395 (second bank) (8 MB (8388608 Bytes) in 135 sectors)
I E47 09:45:42 Total flash size: 16 MB (16777216 Bytes) in 270 sectors
I E48 09:45:43 Port info:
I E49 09:45:43 Logical port 0: COM2 <-> UART1 at 115200 baud (~100%)
I E50 09:45:43 TalkToFlashloader: OK
I E51 09:45:43 Read region 0: 0x00000000 - 0x00ffffff: 16 MB (16777216 Bytes)
I E52 09:45:43 Data to be read: 16 MB (16777216 Bytes)
I E53 09:45:43 Setup
I E54 09:45:43 ReadData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
I E55 09:45:52 FLSendCmd(suck): 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
I E56 09:45:52 Retry 1: ReadData
I E57 09:45:52 ReadData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
I E58 09:46:00 CRC mismatch: PC 0x0bafce8d != Mobile 0x213f3f21
I E59 09:46:00 FLSendCmd(suck): 12 (ERR_CRC)
I E60 09:46:00 Retry 2: ReadData
I E61 09:46:00 ReadData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
I E62 09:46:10 FLSendCmd(suck): 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
I E63 09:46:10 Retry 3: ReadData
I E64 09:46:10 ReadData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
I E65 09:46:18 CRC mismatch: PC 0x3d1929ba != Mobile 0x3f3f2121
I E66 09:46:18 FLSendCmd(suck): 12 (ERR_CRC)
I E67 09:46:18 Retry 4: ReadData
I E68 09:46:18 ReadData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
I E69 09:46:28 FLSendCmd(suck): 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
I E70 09:46:28 Giving up on ReadData
I E71 09:46:28 SendFile: 14 (ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES)
I E72 09:46:28 ReLoad: 14 (ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES)
I E73 09:46:28 Error code: ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES
E E74 09:46:28 Sorry, an error has occured ! (ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES)
I E75 09:46:28 ThreadProtocol finished
I E76 09:46:28 ThreadProtocol: 14
I E77 09:46:28 ThreadGUI finished