软件版较新(很多都是最新的),都是自助升级的Firmware,免费下载,升级的软件是SEUS,就是SonyEricsson Remote Unlocker(有些人叫它索爱解锁大师),现在最新版已经到14了,支持最新的K608、K600、W800、D750、K750等型号,早期的型号如T68、K700,K50X,K500等可以用T618的 USB或者COM数据线改装成刷机线(很简单,改线头的几具引脚,论坛有人说过),或者索爱原装底座或者T28数据线,K750后的可用原装数据线,K750改W800需要Fighter线(不久之后用原装线就可以了),升级是收费的,需要花钱购买帐号点数(按官方的报价,大概100多RMB一个点),一次升级需要一点Credit,解锁也一样
大家可以共同交流,我这里提供升级点数,RMB 80元一个(价格修改过了,因为老外要求不得低于他零售价格的20%),有什么不清楚的地方可以QQ 177199252咨询我!!!
这些Firmware可惜 SEMC TOOL用不了,不过总比购买加密狗强些,也就是一条数据线的价格,关键是远程自助刷机,花点点钱,却也乐趣无穷~~~
附上升级用的软件http://www.davinciteam.com/client.zip 下载
Pricing policy:
We decided to make selling rules for endusers. In our sales site www.davinciteam.com
the pricing is:
10 euro 1 credit
19 euro 2 credits
40 euro 5 credits
65 euro 10 credits
Our new rule determine that resellers MAY NOT, sell it for less than 20%
In real figures it means:
8 euro for 1 credit
15 euro for 2 credits
32 euro for 5 credits
52 euro for 10 credits
We will no longer tolerate public wars with our credits. If someone keeps violating this rule after warnings, we will delete all accounts and subaccounts from him.
软件版较新(很多都是最新的),都是自助升级的Firmware,免费下载,升级的软件是SEUS,就是SonyEricsson Remote Unlocker(有些人叫它索爱解锁大师),现在最新版已经到14了,支持最新的K608、K600、W800、D750、K750等型号,早期的型号如T68、K700,K50X,K500等可以用T618的 USB或者COM数据线改装成刷机线(很简单,改线头的几具引脚,论坛有人说过),或者索爱原装底座或者T28数据线,K750后的可用原装数据线,K750改W800需要Fighter线(不久之后用原装线就可以了),升级是收费的,需要花钱购买帐号点数(按官方的报价,大概100多RMB一个点),一次升级需要一点Credit,解锁也一样
大家可以共同交流,我这里提供升级点数,RMB 80元一个(价格修改过了,因为老外要求不得低于他零售价格的20%),有什么不清楚的地方可以QQ 177199252咨询我!!!
这些Firmware可惜 SEMC TOOL用不了,不过总比购买加密狗强些,也就是一条数据线的价格,关键是远程自助刷机,花点点钱,却也乐趣无穷~~~
附上升级用的软件http://www.davinciteam.com/client.zip 下载
Pricing policy:
We decided to make selling rules for endusers. In our sales site www.davinciteam.com
the pricing is:
10 euro 1 credit
19 euro 2 credits
40 euro 5 credits
65 euro 10 credits
Our new rule determine that resellers MAY NOT, sell it for less than 20%
In real figures it means:
8 euro for 1 credit
15 euro for 2 credits
32 euro for 5 credits
52 euro for 10 credits
We will no longer tolerate public wars with our credits. If someone keeps violating this rule after warnings, we will delete all accounts and subaccounts from him.