城 城市的秋天 普通会员 1970-01-01 1 0 0 2003-10-27 #9 我用的也是了,,总体感觉还是不错的,,就是不支持动花屏保。有些遗憾,,再有,就是外屏容易进灰。其他的各个方面还都是不错的。。呵呵 :* :*
L liyunlyscy 普通会员 2003-12-12 89 0 0 2003-12-15 #14 嘿!用LG7020还真不少,各位前辈我希望能得到你们的帮助,能否给发一个刷机文件?谢谢了先。E-MAIL:LIYUNLYSCY@SOHU。COM
E eugene1984 普通会员 1970-01-01 3 0 0 2004-03-29 #20 Sorry i'm in Ghana so i can't input chinese i hope everybody don't mind ! I use this mobile phone i think have some problem when i use lang time this phone stop itself who can tell me why i met this problem ? Thank you !
Sorry i'm in Ghana so i can't input chinese i hope everybody don't mind ! I use this mobile phone i think have some problem when i use lang time this phone stop itself who can tell me why i met this problem ? Thank you !