Entering WIRED Mode
Waiting for ENQ(81) from Mobile
Press q to Quit
Character received is 81
Character sent is 7e
Set up Flash Chip Selects
Set Flash Chip Select 5 Response OK
Set Flash Chip Select 6 Response OK
Sending AT to mobile
IROM found
Requesting IROM version number
IROM identity 18
Sending 16bit/16bit CS7 setup to IROM
Response OK
Initial RAM test
Wait for test to complete ....
Response OK
Sending start transfer command to IROM
Response OK
Response OK
S.nding flash loader to IROM
First stage load complete (RAM)
Setting data transfer rate to 460800bps...done
Sending AT to mobile
ERROR 3: Timeout waiting for response from mobile
请按任意键继续. . . [s:18]
Entering WIRED Mode
Waiting for ENQ(81) from Mobile
Press q to Quit
Character received is 81
Character sent is 7e
Set up Flash Chip Selects
Set Flash Chip Select 5 Response OK
Set Flash Chip Select 6 Response OK
Sending AT to mobile
IROM found
Requesting IROM version number
IROM identity 18
Sending 16bit/16bit CS7 setup to IROM
Response OK
Initial RAM test
Wait for test to complete ....
Response OK
Sending start transfer command to IROM
Response OK
Response OK
S.nding flash loader to IROM
First stage load complete (RAM)
Setting data transfer rate to 460800bps...done
Sending AT to mobile
ERROR 3: Timeout waiting for response from mobile
请按任意键继续. . . [s:18]