Need for Speed : High Stakes racing is all about knowing your limits and exceeding
them-whatever the cost. It's up to you and your lead foot to customize your dream
machine and earn exclusive super cars to earn that prized cash! Cars range from the
speed demon, Porsche 911, to the beastly Mclaren F1 GTR. If you're looking for the
American dream, customize the Corvette to your liking. Cars are detailed, glossy,
and revving to go, but watch out for traffic. Reckless driving could result in dings,
dents, scratches, or complete destruction of your dream car. Accept the ultimate
challenge! Enter duels against your opponents for pink slips--lose the race-- lose
your car!
软件大小:2.5 M
Need for Speed : High Stakes racing is all about knowing your limits and exceeding
them-whatever the cost. It's up to you and your lead foot to customize your dream
machine and earn exclusive super cars to earn that prized cash! Cars range from the
speed demon, Porsche 911, to the beastly Mclaren F1 GTR. If you're looking for the
American dream, customize the Corvette to your liking. Cars are detailed, glossy,
and revving to go, but watch out for traffic. Reckless driving could result in dings,
dents, scratches, or complete destruction of your dream car. Accept the ultimate
challenge! Enter duels against your opponents for pink slips--lose the race-- lose
your car!
软件大小:2.5 M