<p><span id="topicinfo__ctl0_Label2">手机上的Google Map,可以通过gprs浏览Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Windows Live Local, MSN Virtual Earth and Ask.com Maps。当然最主要是可以浏览Google Maps拉~~<br /><br />刚刚在国外的网站看到,6月10号更新,应该是最新版吧~英文介绍说是freeware。<br /><br />dm2.0安装可用,一开始不能下载到地图~~研究半天找到解决方法。需要在软件里面设置一个10.0.0.172的80端口的代理。具体看截图~<br /><br /><font face="黑体" size="7">希望大家支持我</font></span></p><p><span>功能键:<br />放大 #<br />缩小 *<br />切换地图模式 0<br />全屏 1<br />主页:<a href="http://www.mgmaps.com/download.php[/url]">http://www.mgmaps.com/download.php</a></span></p><p><span>手机wap下载:wap.mgmaps.com</span></p><p><span>Mobile GMaps is a FREE application that displays Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Windows Live Local, MSN Virtual Earth and Ask.com Maps and satellite imagery on Smartphones, Java J2ME-enabled mobile phones, PDAs and other devices. The application works quite well with these maps providers and the best thing about it that it is in your Pocket everywhere you are.<br /><br />MGMaps must be able to access the web in order to download map and satellite tiles. WAP access is usually cheaper but does not work for some phone/provider combinations. For optimum performance, a broadband connection like EDGE, 3G, HSDPA or WiFi is recommended. <br /><br />You can use passthrough connection to view maps. Features includes Search and zoom function, toggle marker, ability to set coordinates, and GPS Sync to name a few</span></p>
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