【MP4】‖320×240‖Backstreetboys经典MV—《I Still》



[font=楷体_GB2312][MP4]Backstreetboys经典MV—《I Still》[/font]

[font=新宋体]I still的MV内容[/font]

[font=楷体_GB2312]五个男人等待「她」的辛酸与痛楚 [/font]


BRAIN在蓄了胡子后更成熟了,一属光从后面射来,他的背光面是张沧桑却沉着英俊的脸庞"Who are you now ,are you still the same or change somehow,what do you do ,at this very moment when I think of you "他看着前面抱着双肩匆匆走的女人,你变了吗?你在做什么?在这个时刻.我想你的时候,你在想什么呢?你还在那个地方默默的等待吗?

NICK依旧有年轻的脸庞,他坐在BUS STOP,像个孩子,固执的等待爱人,身后形形色色的人在走,他依旧固执,依旧如故,像IMCOMPLETE里一般痛苦的表情,他在车的反光里看到了她,他沉沦,她妩媚,他向前,她不见,这是他心里挣扎的涟漪,NICK的帅气终究抵挡不住一身的悲哀.



KEVIN瘫坐在酒吧吧台上,手中的LATTE已经没了,酒保在一旁静静的擦着玻璃杯,悄悄揣度这个性感的男人在想什么,他为什么喝醉,泪未流下,是已经被风吹干了吗?KEVIN无力的抬起头,斟入另一杯LATTE,他缓缓抬起头,竟然看到她,她像从前一样,有着纯净的笑,有着嗔怪和淘气"KEVIN,你又喝醉了"KEVIN 回头,什么也没有,耳边有你的轻轻的呼吸,为什么你却不在我怀抱?KEVIN拿起LATTE朝镜子里砸去,她的身影在LATTE溅开的水花中朦胧,渐渐消失不见.[/font]

[font=新宋体]歌曲:I still[/font]

[font=新宋体]歌手:backstreet boys 专辑:never gone [/font]

[font=新宋体]who are you now
are you still the same or did you change somehow
what do you do
at this very moment when i think of you

and when i'm looking back
how we were young and stupid
do you remember now

no matter how i fight it
can't deny it
just can't let you go

i still need you
i still care about you
though everythings been said and done
i still feel you like i'm right beside you
there's still no perfect you

now look and then
still i'm moving on, i refuse to see
that i keep coming back
and i'm stuck in the moment
and won't turn back to lie

i've tried to fight it
can't deny it
you don't even know that

i still need you
i still care about you
though everythings been said and done
i still feel you like i'm right beside you
there's still no perfect you

i wish i could find you
just like you found me that i...will never let you go

though everything's been said and done
i still feel you
like i'm right beside you
there's still no perfect you[/font]
