来蓝色4个月了,深切感受到了蓝色的温馨。无论是斑竹或普通会员,都十分友好,互相帮助,分享每个人的喜、怒、哀、乐。在此,衷心的祝愿蓝色越办越好,万事如意,人丁兴旺,不再受到无聊人士们的攻击 [s:12]
Congratulations to our great forum Blueshow for just having over 400,000 registered members. During the past 4 years since Blueshow was established, all the members and admininistrators help each other as in a big family. It is my pleasure for being one of the proud members of Blueshow. I wish Blueshow a brighter future and a much greater success. Also I would like to thank you for your kink participation. Wish you all good luck!
Congratulations to our great forum Blueshow for just having over 400,000 registered members. During the past 4 years since Blueshow was established, all the members and admininistrators help each other as in a big family. It is my pleasure for being one of the proud members of Blueshow. I wish Blueshow a brighter future and a much greater success. Also I would like to thank you for your kink participation. Wish you all good luck!
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