Gameloft Dogz S60 v1/v2


You'll begin by going to a kennel to choose your puppy: a Jack Russell or Labrador in brown, black, or white. You'll certainly find your perfect companion there! Once you've arrived back home, you'll have the pleasure of getting to know your new companion. As you pet him for the first time, you'll help him overcome his reluctance, and you'll quickly teach him to react to his name, which you'll obviously choose from the very start. You'll be able to make him come to you wherever you are in the house or outside. To make sure that your puppy stays healthy, you'll have to be sure to feed him, give him water, groom him, walk him... and don't forget that whenever you notice a change in his behavior or you have the slightest uncertainty, you'll be able to take him to the vet.
Dogz pushes simulation even further though: you'll quickly realize that your puppy reacts exactly like the real thing! But meeting its needs – food, petting, exercise, etc. – will not be enough to raise him into the perfect dog! Your companion also has his own personality, and you'll have to learn to react to various events: he can fall asleep when you want to play with him, or he can be vocal about his needs anywhere. You'll then have to reprimand him so that he breaks his bad habits and becomes the best dog possible!
With lots of freedom of action and simply mind-blowing content for a mobile game, Dogz will also challenge you, making any routine or repetitive feeling often found in this type of game totally impossible. Take your dogs to lots of different places: different rooms in your house, the street, the beach, the stadium, the pool, and even the country house that you can unlock at the end of the game!
The choice of mini-games will keep you entertained for hours at a time. For example, you'll be able to throw a ball or Frisbee to your puppy anytime and have him bring it back to you. Each time, you'll be able to aim and control the power of the throw with a special system that'll let you fling the object exactly where you want it to go. Toss the end of the leash to your dog for a lot of fun or chase him down the street and try to catch his leash for a more athletic challenge! And if you want to work your way up to the serious stuff, you can teach him various tricks and sign him up to compete before the grand jury at a dog show when you feel like you're finally ready. Or maybe you prefer to train him for racing, long jump, swimming, or other events so that he can take part in the dog olympics in the city stadium! Thanks to all of these mini-games, you and your dog won't get enough of various unexpected challenges that will keep you both on your toes!
