K kennyyap 普通会员 2004-06-19 25 0 0 2006-12-21 #1 help... anybody have nokia n80 internet edition firmware??? pls help me... [s:11]
W wuhaichao 普通会员 2006-05-10 546 0 0 2006-12-22 #2 引用第0楼kennyyap于2006-12-21 17:10发表的: help... anybody have nokia n80 internet edition firmware??? pls help me... [s:11] 点击展开... 帮助。。。。任何人有N80因特网固件 帮助我 等等我帮你找找吧
引用第0楼kennyyap于2006-12-21 17:10发表的: help... anybody have nokia n80 internet edition firmware??? pls help me... [s:11] 点击展开... 帮助。。。。任何人有N80因特网固件 帮助我 等等我帮你找找吧