GUI v0.91380073
- changed csca unlock step1 behaviour. now, if there is ANY *.seczone files
in %setool2%\backup\%imei%\ folder,step1 (erasing locks and writing signature)
is skipped and step2 executing immediately.
That is done to prevent credit loss if on step2 phone drivers installed
incorrectly or if server connection broken on previous attempt of step2.
if you ABSOLUTELY know what are you doing - you can erase *.seczone
files from %setool2%\backup\%imei% and step1 will be executed again for
that phone.
- added "dummy battery" option for UFS cables with "crocodile" or
otherwise called "dummy battery". if you check that option - before each
phone shutdown we will execute grace delay to allow phone loader finish
its work (for example, without that option you CAN get a "configuration error"
on phones after flashing them using UFS and cable with dummy battery).
grace period length is 5 seconds by default, but it can be changed with
option "ufs_dummy_delay" in [main] section of setool2.ini (period counted
in ms, so ufs_dummy_delay=5000 is 5 seconds)
- very minor ui bugfixes.
SETOOL2小组估计是赚钱赚疯了,新版本出的速度飞机都赶不上 [s:70] [s:70] [s:70]
- changed csca unlock step1 behaviour. now, if there is ANY *.seczone files
in %setool2%\backup\%imei%\ folder,step1 (erasing locks and writing signature)
is skipped and step2 executing immediately.
That is done to prevent credit loss if on step2 phone drivers installed
incorrectly or if server connection broken on previous attempt of step2.
if you ABSOLUTELY know what are you doing - you can erase *.seczone
files from %setool2%\backup\%imei% and step1 will be executed again for
that phone.
- added "dummy battery" option for UFS cables with "crocodile" or
otherwise called "dummy battery". if you check that option - before each
phone shutdown we will execute grace delay to allow phone loader finish
its work (for example, without that option you CAN get a "configuration error"
on phones after flashing them using UFS and cable with dummy battery).
grace period length is 5 seconds by default, but it can be changed with
option "ufs_dummy_delay" in [main] section of setool2.ini (period counted
in ms, so ufs_dummy_delay=5000 is 5 seconds)
- very minor ui bugfixes.
SETOOL2小组估计是赚钱赚疯了,新版本出的速度飞机都赶不上 [s:70] [s:70] [s:70]