专辑名称:Still Waters
歌手姓名:Louise Setara
唱片公司:Coast Records
Louise Setara is a very mature looking 18-year-old female. When I discovered this after reading about it on her website, I was stunned. The first picture I saw of her was very different, her hair was down, and actually, she looks like a different person. This picture was on a special three-song sampler I received prior to this full-length release. It is amazing how much different a woman looks when they put their hair up and pull it back tight. Those were my initial observations. So what does this have to do with the music? There are some parallels here.
Now on to the music…Her vocals are incredibly good, once again, far beyond her years and experience. She sounds like a polished veteran not a young lady recently out of high school. Louise definitely has a head start on her contemporaries and the future looks bright.
Still Waters do indeed run deep and this maiden voyage into the world of music is quite impressive. When she sings Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love,” you can really ‘feel’ it deep down. This lady can get across a message in an authoritative and moving way. In fact, this is a commonality throughout the run of this CD, which in my estimation puts her in a special group of entertainers. Although I classify this as pop, I feel guilty doing so, there is so much more to this music and voice than one word could possibly describe. When it all boils down and you get to the core of the mix this is very adult oriented contemporary pop-the kind that has some substance and meaning behind it. You will hear elements of soul, gospel, R & B, and blues, everything under the sun wrapped into one tune. What a novelty that is these days! And I must say it was a welcome addition to my ears and senses every step of the way.
Other tracks that got my attention because of their depth and emotive essence were “I Can Hurt” and the striking opener “Love Me Still.” Louise sounds like she has been training and preparing for this album for years. What a way to kick off a career. For a debut album, this has to be beyond expectations anyone could have, and that puts her in a very good position to deliver the next effort.
01. Love Me Still
02. By The Time
03. Make You Feel My Love
04. Homeless
05. Wrong Again
06. Too Soon
07. Circle
08. Can't Stop The River
09. Sylvie
10. Let It Be Me
11. I Can Hurt
12. If I Should Fall
13. Ain't Gonna Let You Brea My Hear Again
14. One Fine Day
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