Dire Straits(恐怖海峡),乐队的主音吉它兼主唱Mark Knopfler ,也是乐队的灵魂人物,他领导Dire Straits走过了辉煌的历程,让我们感受到了音乐的质朴和内涵。再经历了团体合作到个人音乐的发展年代,如今的Mark Knopfler的音乐风格有了不小的转变,已变得十分宁静、舒缓、柔和,在民谣、爵士、民歌中融入了他个性化的编曲和演绎,我们都可以看得出Mark Knopfler不但是一位演奏技巧出色的乐手,还是才华横溢的音乐创作者。
醉心于配乐创作的Mark Knopfler,自’96年正式发行第一张个人专辑“Golden Heart”至今,2004年推出的全新作品【Shangri-La】,才只是他个人生涯中第四张大碟,与之合作的乐手包括:吉他手Richard Bennett、贝斯手Glenn Worf、鼓手Chad Cromwell及Jim Com、Guy Fletcher担任管风琴与钢琴的演奏。
听着《Our Shangri-La》,闭上眼睛,放松心情,无压自在的沉醉在动人音韵里。Mark Knopfler的浅吟低唱就如窗外温暖的风,让人陶醉,感觉自己在回忆些什么,时而清楚,时而模糊,歌声在轻轻抚摩着我的灵魂。听着这首柔和歌,感觉久违的那种甜蜜又弥漫了,心中的香格里拉,向往的地方呀。诗一般的音乐,梦一般的歌声,讲述着一个男人的故事。
我们的香格里拉Our Shangri-La(Mark Knopfler)
It's the end of a perfect day
for all the surfer boys and girls
The sun's dropping down in the bay
and falling off the world
There's a diamond in the sky,
our evening stone in our Shangri-La
Get that fire burning strong
right here and right now
It's here and then it's gone,
there's no secret anyhow.
We may never love again to the music of guitars
in our Shangri-La
Tonight your beauty burns into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we got,
right here where we are in our Shangri-La.
Tonight your beauty burns into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we got,
right here where we are in our Shangri-La.
In our Shangri-La
In our Shangri-La
醉心于配乐创作的Mark Knopfler,自’96年正式发行第一张个人专辑“Golden Heart”至今,2004年推出的全新作品【Shangri-La】,才只是他个人生涯中第四张大碟,与之合作的乐手包括:吉他手Richard Bennett、贝斯手Glenn Worf、鼓手Chad Cromwell及Jim Com、Guy Fletcher担任管风琴与钢琴的演奏。
听着《Our Shangri-La》,闭上眼睛,放松心情,无压自在的沉醉在动人音韵里。Mark Knopfler的浅吟低唱就如窗外温暖的风,让人陶醉,感觉自己在回忆些什么,时而清楚,时而模糊,歌声在轻轻抚摩着我的灵魂。听着这首柔和歌,感觉久违的那种甜蜜又弥漫了,心中的香格里拉,向往的地方呀。诗一般的音乐,梦一般的歌声,讲述着一个男人的故事。
我们的香格里拉Our Shangri-La(Mark Knopfler)
It's the end of a perfect day
for all the surfer boys and girls
The sun's dropping down in the bay
and falling off the world
There's a diamond in the sky,
our evening stone in our Shangri-La
Get that fire burning strong
right here and right now
It's here and then it's gone,
there's no secret anyhow.
We may never love again to the music of guitars
in our Shangri-La
Tonight your beauty burns into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we got,
right here where we are in our Shangri-La.
Tonight your beauty burns into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we got,
right here where we are in our Shangri-La.
In our Shangri-La
In our Shangri-La