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Bugfix on USB flashing for N95
FBUS flashing: Introducing data transfer usign TX2 line. Flash loaders 7x from Nokia,
have hardcoded option to use TX2 line for sending flash data. In order to use this,
you will need to modify your cables, and connect PIN2 from 10pin RJ of MT box to Rx2 on phone.
If u wish to use old flash loaders ( 6.50), u can check Off UseTx2Line( in automatic actions) and use your old cables.
Added button to implement old rap codes generation that was released by Dejan, button is DJ_BB5.
点我下载MT-NK 1.32
Bugfix on USB flashing for N95
FBUS flashing: Introducing data transfer usign TX2 line. Flash loaders 7x from Nokia,
have hardcoded option to use TX2 line for sending flash data. In order to use this,
you will need to modify your cables, and connect PIN2 from 10pin RJ of MT box to Rx2 on phone.
If u wish to use old flash loaders ( 6.50), u can check Off UseTx2Line( in automatic actions) and use your old cables.
Added button to implement old rap codes generation that was released by Dejan, button is DJ_BB5.