D dmen1220 普通会员 2003-09-16 65 0 0 2004-02-11 #1 有冇人聽過V2○6呢?可以刷B3G2版本嗎????????因我的機時常限制服務,試過有接收但打不出.希望各大哥指點,感激!!!!
D dmen1220 普通会员 2003-09-16 65 0 0 2004-02-11 #2 有冇人聽過V2○6呢?可以刷B3G2版本嗎????????因我的機時常限制服務,試過有接收但打不出.希望各大哥指點,感激!!!!
D dmen1220 普通会员 2003-09-16 65 0 0 2004-02-11 #5 new vision of v200,but i put the b2 and g3 and E5 also cannot make outgoing call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
new vision of v200,but i put the b2 and g3 and E5 also cannot make outgoing call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!