


转帖:◆◆◆ 【N73 v4.0727.2.2.1】 最新音乐版的改进◆◆◆

View Full Version : N73 ME v4.0727.2.2.1

New features: 新特点:
- FOTA (Flashing Over The Air) 无线刷机支持
- Bluetooth Stereo 蓝牙立体声
- A2DP Support 支持A2DP
- Dial-up over IR 通过IR拨号
- Lifetimer Reset for reflashed phones 重刷的机器通话时间重置
- Vibra Boot notification 开机震动提示
- Configurable Flash setting function for Camera 照相闪光灯设置功能可调
- Secure Formatter with TCB and All-Files capabilities 安全格式化
- N Series Music Player replaces S60 Music Player N系列音乐播放器替代原S60播放器
- Online Album included 在线专辑添加
- Active Standby + UI Grid layout + application locations changed in-line
with Pre-Space UI layout. 激活待机+UI 网格布置+应用程序位置改变为嵌入式及预留式UI布置???

Removed features: 移除的程序:
- Snakes 贪食蛇

Improvements: 以下问题得到改进:
- Weather Deck wording alignement 某些程序名调整
- Spurious “Out of Memory” indications 取消“内存不足”提示
- Icons and text in Application Shell 图标和文档放在应用程序里
- Icon in “Catalogs” “目录”中的图标
- Folder validity updates 文件夹有效性更新
- Alarm clock function, when handset is turned off 闹钟功能改进,当挂机后启动
- Active Standby Shortcut 6 function 待机增加至6个快捷方式
- Quick Office “Save” options Quick Office 增加“保存”选项
- Bluetooth search “Searching for Devices” 蓝牙搜索时显示“搜索设备”
- Camera can not be launched if RAM is low. 如果内存不足摄像头无法启动
- Music player - Indicator appears on the idle state background, after
saving a music track 音乐播放器 - 在保存音乐路径的时候,指示条停留在背景空档处
- Phone reboots if wrong memory card password is entered 如果存储卡密码输错手机将重启
- Memory card details are not read correctly if the card is locked by DUV 如果存储卡被DUV锁定该卡的详细信息无法读取
- Tutorial – Occasional malfunction 教程功能 - 时常出错
- Music player starts when BT stereo headset is switched OFF 当蓝牙耳机关闭,音乐播放器启动
- Unable to create FOTA Server profile 无法创建FOTA(无线刷机)服务器信息
- "System Error" occurs when trying to synchronize after restoring the
backed up info. 当在恢复备份信息同步时,发生“系统错误”的提示
- "App. Closed: Device manager" is detected after exiting from New
server profile view. 在从新服务器信息退出时,出现“应用程序关闭:设备管理器”的提示
- Gallery crashes or phone reboots when moving rocker after making a
new album in gallery 当在创建了一个新的图集时,移动摇杆导致图像和视频功能关闭或手机重启
- Long name for messaging settings makes messaging unusable 给信息设定较长标题时导致该信息不可用
- Online Print improvement. 在线打印功能提升
- Streaming improment for H3G H3G流媒体效果提升



The firmware is awesome. fast, gallery starts faster, imaging wid camera amazing, music player louder wen using stereo sound n equlazers (5 Band), music player faster n performance improved.

there use to be a bug in v3 music edition were if u put it to mass storage mode n tranfser songs n den go back to online mode or general profile n into music player to refresh list it would say Alredy in use has now been fixed !

Support for Stereo bluetooth to just like standard v4 firmware
