..:: All Cruiser巡洋舰 Update ::.. Cruiser Plus Version 13.20  2008/




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J210 字库 - 2005-11-07 02:09:08
新品牌J210 R2H字库已发布.
Sharp V703SH, Sharp V801SH, Sharp V802SH, Sharp V902SH, Sharp V903SH, D750i, F500i, J210i, J210c, J300i, J300c, K300i, K300c, K500i, K500c, K506c, K508i, K508c, K600i, K600c, K608i, K700i, K700c, K750i, K750c, K758c, S700i, S700c, S710a, V600i, V800, V802SE, W550i, W550c, W600a, W800i, W800c, Z500a, Z500i, Z500c, Z520i, Z520c, Z800i, Z800c, Z1010i, Z1010c, LG U8110, LG U8120, LG U8130, LG U8138, LG U8180, LG U8330, LG U8380, including (R)-marked LG phones, and all older SE GSM phones. Supported are these CIDs: 16, 17, 19, 24, 27, 29, 36, 37, 41, 42 and 49.


完全支持免测试板解锁LG U8180,U8330及U8380手机.
能使用便宜的Fighter USB 数据线同时操作16台手机.
转换K750为W800,转换D750为 K750,转换V800为Z800,转换F500为K500,...
维修V800/Z800/D750/K750/W800/K600/V600 EROM .棕色及红色手机CID16/29/36/37.
改RSA中的颜色证明 – 强迫开发商主机(棕色)接受零售商(红色)固件.
可上传任意文件到词典的任意位置 – 适用于高级用户.
带有整套FIGHTER功能! (支持所有早期的手机).


6.10版 (2005年11月5日):
由一个错误引起的J210 Recalc DCRCs按钮已经可用.
6.05版 (2005年10月28日):
修复了使用老固件的LG 3G手机直接检测OTP/GDFS功能开启/关闭的漏洞.
6.04版 (2005年10月26):
增加了更改CID17 LG 3G手机GDFS身份的功能. (不适用合法版)
增加了支持通过测试板改CID41及CID42 LG 3G手机GDFS身份的功能. (不适用合法版
增加CID24 夏普3G手机GDFS更改功能. (不适用合法版)
为CID17,CID41及CID42 LG 3G手机和CID24夏普3G手机增加了快速开启/关闭OTP/GDFS检测功能. (不适用合法版)
注意:LG U8360及LG U8380手机,必须通过修补进行解锁.
增加了GDFS 身份清楚恢复功能.
修复了一个造成U8380 v10A固件不能正确解锁的漏洞.



包装内带有数据线 (巡洋舰维修盒5合1数据线):

Package Contains :
巡洋舰维修盒5合1 PS/2数据线
LG8100, T68数据线,索爱K750数据线,夏普902 数据线,西门子C62及PS/2到USB转换线




Cruiser was the first standalone software to support unlocking and changing languages in new ARM phones.

Version 1.00 (14th December 2004):
Added reading unlocking/relocking network codes from K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added reading phonelock code from K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added languagepack change for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Save security zone function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Channel info enable/disable function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones. (It may be unsupported by with some firmware versions).
Added Battery info enable/disable function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added SIM toolkit enable/disable function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Reset air time option for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Enable/disable SMS capability functions for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Change phone type descriptor function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones - not fully tested, though.
Added Reset total call time option for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Reset life time option for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones. The counter may be accessed from the service menu.
Added Reset joystick counter option for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Buttons Read GDFS zones and Write to GDFS from file now work also for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.
Added Camera shutter sound remove function.
Added Unlock RSA function for K70x/K50x/F500/S7xx phones.

Version 2.00 (12th January 2005, beta version):
Boot process optimized.
Fixed a minor bug when booting S7xx phones with phone type autodetection turned off.
RSA unlocking routine optimized. It works also for Z1010 and V800 of any color.
Added languagepack change for Z1010 and V800 phones.
Added support for older GDFS format.
Fixed a minor bug in GDFS access code.
Added automatic GDFS configuration mismatch detection.
Added support for K300, T687 and Z500 phones.
Added reading unlocking/relocking network codes from K300, T687, Z1010, V800, S710 and Z500.
Added support for conversion from T230 to T290.
Codes read from RSA-based phones are now stored into a log file (placed into the Data folder).
Added the possibility to specify communication rate for Z500.
About-box information updated.
Updated TAC list for K700i.

Flash files will be uploaded to Cruiser support area as soon as possible.
K500/F500 R2AE033
S700 R3K004
Z1010 R1H015, R1K010
V800 R1J002
S710 Cingular R1A026
T290 R7A015


Version 2.00 (12th January 2005, gamma version):

Fixed few bugs in boot code.
Added an option to disable phone configuration analysis.
Simplified phone type selection options.

I forgot to note that it is no more necessary
to reflash firmware after unlocking RSA.

Version 2.10 (17th January 2005):

Boot code modified again.
Fixed small bug in GDFS and file system access code

Version 2.20 (23rd January 2005, beta version):

Fixed an issue with red Z500 RSA unlocking.
Updated TAC list for red Z500a and for T637.
It is no more necessary to specify that S700/S710 is about to be attached.
S700/S710 can be flashed at the rate of 921600Bd with DSS20 and DSS25 deskstands.
Introduced an option to upload audio files, video files, pictures and themes. Files are placed to the correct phone folder automatically.
Fixed a bug in CDA article/version modification code.
Added an option to change default article and default version strings.
Fixed a bug causing occasional access violations on Control Window close


Version 3.00 (21st February 2005):

Cruiser has been made available in Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, Slovak and Swedish languages.
Cruiser installer rewritten from scratch.
Help file released for Cruiser.
Cable drivers modified. New optimal settings recommended - see the help file.
As a faster alternative to reading codes, the direct unlock option has been added for new SE phones.
Released support for V800 red/brown CID29 EROM recovery.
Added reading codes from LG U8110, U8120, U8130 and U8138. Phones marked by (R) are not supported yet.
Added direct unlock for LG U8110, U8120, U8130 and U8138. Phones marked by (R) are not supported yet.
Added support for flashing LG U8110, U8120, U8130 and U8138. Phones marked by (R) are not supported yet.
Added support for booting LG U8100 and LG U8150. Phones marked by (R) are not supported yet.
It is possible to flash main firmware, raw filesystem and to customize filesystem without reattaching the phone in between.
Occasionally the phone does not send an acknowledge on shutdown. This should be handled now.
Fixed a bug in autodetecting T300 phone type.
Fixed a bug in option to reset life-time call timer in T226/T23x/T290 phones.
Fixed a bug in writing to GDFS and restoring security zone in new SE phones.
RSA phone configuration analysis has been made a little bit more safe under Windows 98/ME. We still deprecate using Cruiser under Windows 98/ME.
Functionality of the option Using enhanced cables has been extended to RSA ARM-based phones.
Modified smartcard communication code.
RSA unlocking code updated.
The button-enabling system has been completely redesigned to allow future UI extensibility.
Little modifications to the Settings window.
Few resource leaks removed.
Fixed some bugs in unicode handling.
Updated TAC list for J200i, J200c, K508i, T230.
Added support for flash ID 0x200D.
Added support for flash ID 0x017E.
And many other improvements noone else will consciously appreciate...

Version 3.20 (6th March 2005, beta version):

Released conversion flashes from V800 to Z800.
Added bandlock change option for new SE phones. You don't have to use .mdc files for changing bandlock anymore.
Added support for uploading SFA (Signed File Archive) files.
Added Lock to Net functionality for new SE and LG U81xx phones.
Added Remove languages option.
It is possible to turn camera shutter sound back to on. This does not apply to phones already affected by previous versions of Cruiser.
The Control window has been modified noticeably.
Updated flash applet for J200i/J200c.
Updated TAC list for T290i.
Help file updated.
Reading codes and direct unlock refactored (new SE phones).
Flashing module refactored (new SE phones).
Boot code modified again.
Fixed a little bug in .lng and .t9 file upload routine.
Fixed minor bug regarding interchanged CCK and SPCK codes for T100/T106 phones.
Increased the time interval to wait before hiding help hints.
Cruiser has been made available in Russian language.
Added hotkey for attaching phone: Ctrl-A
Added hotkey for turning phone off: Ctrl-O
Added support for flash ID 0x880D.
Added support for flash ID 0x880F.
Added support for flash ID 0x890C.
A Windows XP style related UI issue fixed.
The LangPack Info button should work again.
Removed log-file calculation functionality.

Version 3.30 (21st March 2005):

Added built-in CDA tool.
A sporadic Unlock RSA problem fixed. It was caused by an unexplainable behaviour of interface chip under certain circumstances.
For AVR-based phones, the RSA protection is removed immediately after boot.
Note that we recently released special flash files (compatible with Cruiser 3.20 or later version) that allow advanced users to change the phone RSA certificate color. This is useful for example when changing languages in developer phones.
Added button Language operations capable of downloading all languages and T9 dictionaries from the phone, uploading languages and T9 dictionaries to the phone, and removing languages. Keep in mind that language (.lng) files vary between different phones, firmware revisions and language zones.
Added an option to change langpack string in Software Info.
Added a checkbox that enables uploading files to a specific folder in the phone.
Added some RSA applets.
Flash ID is now displayed when booting new phones.
Updated TAC list for T237, T630, K508i, K700i and Z500a.
Updated camera shutter sound handling code.
Buttons Write raw FS and Upload Signed Archive moved to the Write flash page.
Increased boot process and flash failure verbosity a little.
It is again possible to shutdown FS (safely turn off the phone) immediately after uploading a raw FS to the phone.
LG cable pinout description updated and moved to the Additional Information section.
Messages window word-wrapping turned off.
Enhanced communication error handling.

Version 3.32 (22nd March 2005):

The checkbox Force to folder could not be turned off in the previous version.
Minor Customize FS dialog issue fixed.
Relock RSA option is enabled for AVR-based phones by default.
Implemented file download failure check (incoming data loss, etc).
An attempt to reduce input buffer overrun errors has been made. These errors may occur when phone sends too many data in one block, usually when downloading files from the phone

Cruiser 3.40 (24th March 2005):

Added an option to Download all files from the phone filesystem. The folder structure is preserved. This option is temporarily located under Language operations.
Updated TAC list for T290i.

Cruiser 3.70 (8th April 2005, gamma version):

This version was not meant to be released this early, the only reason was adding support for LG(R) phones. In case of any problems, use version 3.40 instead.
Known limitation: It is not possible to boot LG phones via standard serial cable. This will be fixed as soon as possible.
Installer updated - occassional Windows XP SmartCard service install issue fixed.
Installer updated - removed HTML help update functionality.
Built-in Z800 a Z500 customizations updated.
Added support for booting red and blue LG U81xx of CID17.
Added support for unlocking red and blue LG U81xx of CID17.
Note that Direct unlock button may be used with LG U8110 only. For all other types use Read codes or Lock to net, and flash the Drive C file to allow manual entering of codes.
Added support for flashing original SSW files into LG U81xx phones.
Added support for changing RSA certificate color of CID17 LG U81xx phones.
It is possible to flash CID17 files of any color to any CID17 LG U81xx phone.
It is possible to flash Z1010 CID16 flash files into Z1010 CID29 phones.
LG U8180 phones with CID41 are now detected correctly. No operation is enabled for them, though.
The option to Download all files from the phone filesystem has been replaced by a more general Download files from FS. Now it is possible to specify the source folder and to optionally disable folder recursion.
The analysis of phone's RSA configuration has been made even more safe and verbose.
RSA weakness type is monitored while flashing the phone.
Many changes in communication scripts.
Previously, the operation Write to GDFS from file always tried to backup the security zone first. This behaviour may be disabled now.
Enhanced window font readability - the default window font is set to Tahoma, 8 pixels in size. It is also possible to change the font in registry.
Unicode visual components updated.
Smartcard subsystem refactored. Cruiser is now able to explicitly notify the user of smartcard middleware initialization failure.
Configuration subsystem refactored.
Thread management subsystem refactored.
Introduced an option to add comments to the Cruiser log-file (located in the Data folder).
The button Format security zone has been transformed into a checkbox. Fixed a bug that was causing this option to be disabled in a release version.
Updated TAC list for T630.
The following options are disabled when no valid filesystem configuration is found in the phone: Upload signed archive, Customize FS, Language operations, Upload files to FS, Download files from FS, Camera sound on/off and Shutdown FS.
Filesystem configuration resides in main firmware flash.

Version 3.80 (13th April 2005):

Cruiser is now available in English, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Swedish languages.
Now it is possible to put red flashes into brown and blue phones of CID16, CID17 and CID29 without converting them to red. The phone certificate is not affected.
Added full support for cross-CID flashing. It is possible to flash CID16, CID17 and CID29 phones by any-CID flashes. The phone CID and color are not affected.
Added support for flashing red and blue LG U81xx of CID17 via simple serial cable too.
Added support for flashing red LG U81xx of CID41.
Baudrate subsystem completely refactored.
Baudrate page from the Settings window was replaced by the Limit baudrate combobox in the Primary page of Control window.
Baudrates used for flashing PDA part of P80x/P910 are limited to 460800Bd when using USB cables that are not enhanced by adding two resistors. This is not related to DSS-20 nor DSS-25.
Installer updated - minor Windows 98 issue fixed. An error message might have been displayed when no error occurred.
Customize FS functionality slightly modified.
CS applet communication made more verbose.
Available free space is now displayed before writing user files to the phone.
Help file updated

Version 3.81 (14th April 2005):

Fixed two issues related to built-in customizations

Version 3.82 (14th April 2005):

Booting baudrate limited to 230400Bd for older phones. Previously the limit was set to 115200Bd, but the version 3.80 removed the boot baudrate constraint, causing occassional boot problems.
Removed File System tab bug from version 3.81.

Version 3.90 (31st May 2005, beta version):

Added support for full security zone rebuild of R520/T39/T65 phones (i.e. phones with baseband chip ID 5C05 and 5C06). Throughout last 4 years nobody else was able to manage it. It appeared to be almost impossible. But henceforth you can repair 4 locks closed or any other software-related problem.
The Redirect SCRC check to zone II checkbox has been removed.
The Security II page was removed as it has been made superfluous by extending the Security I page functionality to R520/T39/T65 phones.
Updated TAC list for LG U8180, K500i, K300i, V802SH and V902SH.
Installer updated. It enables displaying hidden/nonpresent devices in Device Manager under Windows 2000/XP.
Once again, some baudrate-related modifications.
Malay and Slovak language strings updated.
Direct unlock button was enabled for all LG 3G phones by a mistake. Use read codes instead.
Debug Log feature released to public.
Help file updated - added info on how to boot unbootable P900 smartphones.
An error message is now shown when trying to boot an incorrectly upgraded P900 to a P910. Such phone has to be booted using a testpoint connected to GND.
Boot code modified.
A few changes in configuration analysis code.
Minor modifications to the Settings window, mostly EMMA smartcard related. Be sure to enter correct PIN for your EMMA smartcard.
Added a possibility to boot AVR based phones starting from R520m by means of an EMMA smartcard.
Added support for changing phone languages in red CID36 phones (J300/K300/Z800/K750/W800/K600/V600/new K700/new V800) by means of an EMMA II smartcard.
Added full support for brown CID36 phones (J300/K300/Z800/K750/W800/K600/V600/new K700/new V800).
Now it is possible to specify which recovery applet (for which CID) to use when booting the phone. This feature is intended to allow RSA unlocking via testpoint.
Added function to repair "no network" problem on new T630 phones that have been damaged by downgrading firmware.
A few memory leaks removed.
Emptyboard programming of new ARM phones (including J300/K300/Z800/K750/W800/K600/V600) released for all users.
Added function Repair certificate to simplify phone revival on flash failure.
Added function Repair EROM to simplify EROM area repair in red and brown phones of CID29 and CID36.
Added detection of CID42 LG 3G phones.
Added support for flashing red LG U8xxx with CID42.
Fixed an issue causing R380 PDA-part boot problem.
Added experimental support for booting, flashing and cloning Hedvig prototypes.
The button-enabling system has been modified to reflect smartcard presence and various CID options.
Corrected one progressbar update related issue.
Some obsolete flashing options removed.

Version 3.91 (1st June 2005, beta version):

Reworked unlocking/relocking of red CID36 phones via testpoint.
Added a button for conversion from red CID36 to brown CID36 (via testpoint).

Testpoint pictures will appear in the support area shortly (~today).

Version 3.92 (1st June, gamma version):

K300 CID testpoint released.
Built-in customizations list expanded.
Fixed an issue with handling Z800 red CID36.
Fixed a bug in EROM repair for red CID29 V800/Z800.
Fixed a bug causing the Direct unlock to be disabled for J200/Z200/T100/A3618 phones.
Repair EROM shall not be enabled in certain situations.
LG unlocking functionality was disabled by a mistake.
A baudrate-related modification regarding LG phones.

The splash screen was not updated, so do not let yourself get confused.

Version 3.93 (3rd June 2005):

V800/Z800 CID testpoint released.
EMMA smartcard mutex is now released correctly.
Flash file open dialog code updated.
Due to many requests, Direct unlock and Read codes work now much faster on new ARM phones.
Cruiser closing issue fixed.
Updated TAC list for Z200, Z600, Z608 and LG U8100,

Flashes are on the way.

Version 3.94 (5th June 2005, beta version):

Added reading codes from CID41 (LG U8180) and CID42 phones via testpoint.
Cross-CID flashing extended to CID17/CID41/CID42. Cruiser automatically patches flash files by replacing their RSA certificate.
Usage: it is possible to flash U8180 by U8138 firmware.
Fixed an issue with flashing R600.
Added support for EROM recovery in very rare brown CID16 V800/Z800.
Updated TAC list for T610, F500i, K506c, K700i, Z800i, K750i, K750c and D750i.
Help file updated.


Version 4.00 (7th June 2005):

Released pinout for Sharp V802SH and V902SH phones. It is in the help file.
Added Direct unlock support for Sharp 3G CID24 phones.
Added Lock to net support for Sharp 3G CID24 phones.
Added Save security and Restore security support for Sharp 3G CID24 phones.
Force RSA recovery options now include CID24, CID41 and CID42.
Added displaying of flash manufacturer when booting new ARM phones

Version 4.01 (8th June 2005, beta version):

Added experimental support for Sharp V801SH.
Updated applet for Sharp 3G phones.
Added support for flash ID 0x890F.
Added support for flash ID 0x8910.
Fixed a bug causing some buttons to be disabled for LG phones under certain circumstances.
Sharp connector picture updated.

Version 4.02 (8th June 2005):

A Sharp V801SH GDFS related issue fixed.
Updated TAC list for LG U8330.

Version 4.10 (13th June 2005, beta version):

Added support for red CID36 to brown conversion (without testpoint, of course).
K750/D750/W800 red CID36 phones are now fully supported.
Added Unlock RSA function for red CID36 and CID24 phones.
Added Upload SFA function for red CID36 phones.
Added Write raw FS function for red CID36 phones.
Added Customize FS function for red CID36 phones.
Added Language operations function for red CID36 phones.
Added Upload files to FS function for red CID36 phones.
Added Camera sound on/off function for red CID36 phones.
Added Save security function for red CID36 phones.
Added Restore security function for red CID36 phones.
Added Read GDFS zones function for red CID36 phones.
Added Modify GDFS function for red CID36 phones.
Added Write to GDFS from file function for red CID36 phones.
Added support for backup of battery calibration zone of new ARM phones.
Added support for backup of display calibration zone of new ARM phones.
Added support for backup of audio calibration zone of new ARM phones.
Added support for backup of radio calibration zone of new ARM phones.
Built-in customizations list updated and extended by J300i data.
Installer updated. EPI USB driver included to allow faster flashing of LG 3G, Sharp 3G and V800/Z800/Z1010 phones.
Added an option to flash faster via EPI USB.
Added support for EROM recovery in red/brown CID36 K750/D750/W800.

Attention: When converting a red CID36 phone to brown CID36, the conversion must be performed right after attaching the phone.

Version 4.11 (18th June 2005):

K750i/D750i built-in customizations list updated.
K750i/D750i language pack info updated.
Built-in EROM recovery function for K750/D750/W800 phones improved.
It should be possible to flash more phones at once via EPI USB too.
Chinese language strings updated.
Help file extended by a description of CID36 phone operations.
Brown CID36 to red CID36 conversion file for K750/D750/W800 has been included to help. It is not necessary to reflash phone firmware after using this file.

Version 4.12 (20th June 2005):

Minor change in Upload files to FS function.
K750i/D750i language pack info updated again.
New brown CID36 to red CID36 conversion file for K750/D750/W800 has been included to help. It is not necessary to reflash phone firmware after using this file.
Flash file format modified.

Version 4.13 (21st June 2005):

Added support for cross-CID flashing of CID41 and CID42 phones without testpoint.
Minor change in UI.

Version 4.14 (23rd June 2005):

Installer updated.
It is possible to use Z800 files for V800/V802SE phones directly.
Reading phone certificate caused problems while flashing composite flash files via EPI USB.

Version 4.15 (24th June 2005):

Fixed one bug introduced in the previous version

Version 4.20 (29th June 2005):

Added support for converting K750 phones to W800.
Added support for Z520i/Z520c.
Increased safety when converting red CID36 phones to brown CID36.
Sharp 3G flashing speed via Fighter/Cruiser cable slightly improved.
The main executable and help file are now stored outside the installer

Version 4.24 (10th July 2005, beta version):

Allowed direct flashing of normal flashes in recovery mode for CID41 and CID42.
Conversion to brown CID36 requires phone analysis performed. Otherwise it displays an error message.
Minor changes in K600/V600 functionality.
Added support for S600i/S600c/W600a.
Some applets updated.
Booting code modified.
Flashing code modified.
Flash file open dialog code updated.
File-system functionality for brown CID36 phones reenabled.
Fixed some issues with prototype CID36 phones.
Fixed a bug in reset life-timer functionality.
Updated TAC list for LG U8380.
The Turn off phone button should be enabled for unidentified new ARM phones.
The Repair certificate button was disabled in some cases.
Camera focus sound is now affected by the Camera sound on/off function too.
Added support for flashing brown CID19 phones (EMP).
Added phone type filter.

Version 4.30 (14th July 2005, beta version):

K600/V600 built-in customizations list updated.
K600/V600 flash file handling improved.
Help file updated - K600/V600 language pack info added.
Added support for direct handling of blue CID36 phones (recovery mode not required anymore).
Minor changes in code accessing the FS of brown CID36 phones.
Increased verbosity of GDFS error handling code.
Conversion to brown CID36 for baseband chip IDs 0x8000 and 0x8040 has been optimized.
Conversion to brown CID36 for baseband chip IDs 0x7000 and 0x7100 has been optimized.
Introduced detection of data bus interferences for LG phones.
About-box information slightly updated. Now 170 phone types are supported.
Help file CID information updated.
Added Special Files topic to the Additional Info section of the help file.
Open-flash-file dialog boxes accept .erom1 and .erom2 file types where appropriate.
The Force RSA recovery combo-box now displays manufacturer names too.
Minor changes in UI.

New flash files are ready for upload. Patience, please...


Version 5.00 (30th August 2005, beta version):

Added function for easier replacing of flash certificates.
A list of compatible certificates is displayed in the combo box located below the Replace certificate button.
Note: Latest EROMs require you to restore the flash certificate back to its original state to allow the phone to be turned on.
Updated TAC list for K750i, W800c, V600i, K608i, K600c, J300i, J300c, T290i and T290c.
W800 built-in customizations list updated.
Minor CID17-related changes.
Write bandlock functionality slightly modified.
Added theoretical support for old S988 prototypes.
Added support for flashing LG U8360.
Added support for flashing Sharp V903SH.
The user interface has been modified.
Flash BT function has been separated from Flash ARM.
Added reading codes for CID37 phones.
Recover Certificate function now supports CID37 phones.
Note: An attempt to start a CID37 phone containing working firmware in a recovery mode will fail.
Implemented Unlock RSA function for CID37 phones.
The Unlock RSA button should not be enabled in recovery mode.
Flasher functionality modified for CID36 and CID37.
Added Customize FS function for CID37.
Added Turn camera sound on/off function for CID37.
Added Modify GDFS functionality for CID37.
Added Write to GDFS functionality for CID37.
Added Save security for CID37.
Added Restore security for CID37.
Added Direct unlock for CID37.
Added Lock to network for CID37.
Added Read GDFS zones for CID37.
Added Upload files to FS for CID37.
Added Language operations for CID37.
Added Write to security zone for CID37.
Lock OTP area now supports CID37.
Added Repair EROM function for CID37 phones.
Note: Reflash the main firmware when using this function for brown CID37.
Added Format GDFS function.
Added Remove RSA unlock traces function. It is located among Modify GDFS options.
Unused code removed.
Help file slightly updated

Version 5.01 (31st August 2005):

Updated TAC list for W800i and J210i.
Fixed an OTP IMEI (non-)insertion bug in the Security I page.
RSA unlocking functionality slightly modified.

Version 5.02 (1st September 2005):

Important notice: Do not attempt to convert OTP CID37 phones to any other CID!
Otherwise you won't be able to boot the phone anymore. Cruiser does not allow you to do that, but other software may.
Cruiser is now available in English, Chinese, Czech, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Swedish languages.
Fixed one chicken-and-egg situation with Unlock RSA.
Fixed one FS-access bug regarding K750/W800 phones that was introduced with version 5.00.
From now on the Format GDFS option is protected by the password 'KILL THE PHONE'.


Version 6.00 (24th October 2005, beta version):

Added boot support for Siemens C62 (CID27).
Added support for flashing original SSW files into AVR-based phones (e.g. Siemens C62).
Added support for direct unlocking Siemens C62 v25, v26, v27 and v28. Many thanks to http://www.PolPhone.com.
Added support for relocking Siemens C62 v25, v26, v27 and v28. Many thanks to http://www.polphone.com.
Z520 built-in customizations list updated.
Other changes in built-in customizations.
Added GDFS identity changing for ARM phones with baseband chip IDs 0x7000, 0x7100, 0x8000 and 0x8040. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Added fast direct OTP/GDFS check removal function for new ARM SE phones. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Minor change in file download functionality. It should copy empty directories too.
Updated TAC list for W550i, Z520i, W800i, K300i, K700i, Sharp V703SH and V903SH.
Removed possibility to change CID41 and CID42 phones to brown color due to a safety reason.
Added boot support for J210.
Added support for flashing J210.
T9 dictionaries removal has been separated from language files removal function.
Added displaying of flash certificate name while booting new ARM phones.
Internal FW database extended.
The Write to OTP function now allows ordinary users to choose from more CIDs.
Released Sharp V902SH to SX813 conversion flash file.
Released Sharp V903SH to SX833 conversion flash file.
Released Sharp V903SH testmode flash files.
Added boot support for CID49 phones with baseband chip IDs 0x7000 and 0x7100 (K608, etc).
Added Direct unlock for Brown CID49 phones.
Added Lock to network for Brown CID49 phones.
Added Reading codes from Brown CID49 phones.
Added Save security for Brown CID49 phones.
Added Restore security for Brown CID49 phones.
Added support for booting CID49 phones (red and blue via TP for now).
Added support for flashing Brown CID49 phones.
Added support for flashing Red/Blue CID49 phones via TP.
Added support for changing RSA certificate color of CID49 phones (by using TP for now).
A brown CID49 to red CID49 conversion file for K608 has been included to help. It is not necessary to reflash phone firmware after using this file.
Added fast LG 3G unlocking functionality via firmware patching. Automatically saves a firmware backup file to the Data/ARM flash backups folder. Supported are these models: U8130, U8138, U8180, U8330, U8360 and U8380.
Possibility to upgrade LG U8138 to U8180.
Possibility to upgrade LG U8130 to U8330.
Czech language strings updated.
Polish language strings updated.
Help file updated - added Siemens C62 pinout, some LG 3G secret codes, etc.

Version 6.01 (24th October 2005, beta version):

Fixed an issue with Siemens C62.

Version 6.02 (24th October 2005, beta version):

Fixed an issue with Sharp V703SH phone type autodetection.
Fixed a bug regarding flashing Sharp V903SH phones by certain flash files.
Another minor updates.
Installer updated.

Version 6.03 (26th October 2005, beta version):

K600/K608 testpoint pictures updated.
Minor change related to unlocking RSA protection of OTP CID29 phones with baseband chip IDs 0x8000 and 0x8040.
Updated direct OTP/GDFS check removal code to support older firmware versions.
Slightly increased verbosity of applet error handling code.
Added function for fast restoring firmware OTP/GDFS check.
Added support for flashing .pfb (Partial Firmware Backup) files that are created before every partial ARM firmware modification (direct LG unlocking or OTP/GDFS check disabling/enabling).
Fixed a bug in Polish translation.

Version 6.04 (26th October 2005, beta version):

Added support for GDFS identity changing for CID17 LG 3G phones. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Added support for GDFS identity changing for CID41 and CID42 LG 3G phones via testpoint. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Added support for GDFS identity changing for CID24 Sharp 3G phones. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Added fast direct OTP/GDFS check disable/enable function for CID17, CID41 and CID42 LG 3G phones and for CID24 Sharp 3G phones. (Not available in Legal Edition)
Note: For LG U8360 and LG U8380 it is necessary to unlock phone via patching.
Added support for explicit restoring of GDFS identity.
Fixed a flashing bug that caused U8380 v10A firmwares to be unlocked incorrectly.
Another change to RSA protection unlocking code.
Slightly increased verbosity of GDFS access initialization error handling code.

Version 6.05 (28th October 2005, beta version):

W550 built-in customizations list updated.
Fixed an issue with unlocking some Siemens C62 phones.
Fixed a bug in direct OTP/GDFS check disable/enable function regarding LG 3G phones with old firmwares.

Version 6.10 (5th November 2005):
Added support for unlocking J210 phones.
The Recalc DCRCs button was enabled for J210 by a mistake.


Version 7.00 (17th November 2005, alpha version):

Added support for fast direct unlock of Sharp V703SH/V903SH/SX313/SX833 phones.
Anyway, this is the fastest way of unlocking these phones available on the market.
The direct OTP/GDFS check enable/disable function should be much more generic - now it handles Sharp V703SH/V903SH/SX313/SX833 firmwares too.
Support for unlocking any-CID ARM phones with baseband chip IDs 0x7000, 0x7100, 0x8000 and 0x8040. Even W900 phones.
Support for flashing any-CID ARM phones with baseband chip IDs 0x7000, 0x7100, 0x8000 and 0x8040 without changing primary certificate.
New K600/K608 testpoint picture added to the help file.
A W550 testpoint picture added to the help file.
A W600 testpoint picture added to the help file.
The fast LG 3G unlocking functionality via firmware patching was extended to support some LG U8550 firmwares.
Added support for locking OTP area in LG 3G and Sharp 3G empty-boards.
Added an option to write new Bluetooth MAC address to RSA-protected ARM-based SE phones. It is available among Modify GDFS options.
RSA boot options have been modified.
Certificate recovery function updated.
Repair EROM functionality updated to reflect W550 and W600 phones. Both brown CID49 and red CID49 phones are supported now.
Fixed minor bug in RSA configuration analysis code.
Updated Customize FS function.
Updated TAC list for W600i, J300a and K750i.
Some changes in Chinese translation

Version 7.10 (22nd November 2005, beta version):

From now on it is possible to download files from FS to special archive files in .cfp (Cruiser File Package) format.
From now on it is possible to upload .cfp package content to phone FS.
An LG U8550 testpoint picture added to the help file.
Updated W600i built-in customizations.
Updated K608i built-in customizations.
Updated K700i built-in customizations.
Fixed "5E0W" customization bug from version 7.00.
It is now possible to enable GSM/3G selection menu in SE 3G phones (K600, K608,...).
Fixed some bugs in Polish translation.
The Customize FS button was moved to Flash ARM page.
Fixed occassional K600/K608/W900 booting bug.
Updated W550i/W550c/W600i langpack info.
Updated TAC list for K700i.

Version 7.11 (3rd December 2005, beta version):

Added support for flashing CID54 phones (LG U8550) without using testpoint.
RSA configuration analysis code slightly updated to reflect CID54-related changes.
Increased robustness of RSA configuration analysis code to prevent potential crashes on invalid flash content.
Added alternate method of replacing RSA certificates.
Fixed one bug in low-level communication code.
Fixed small bug in Repair certificate function.
Fixed one previously introduced bug in GDFS access for P910.
Updated K750i built-in customizations.
Updated W800i built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for K300i, K700i, T290i, LG U8330 and Sharp V903SH.

Version 7.12 (22nd December 2005, alpha version):

Fixed EROM repair issue for brown CID49 K608.
Updated W900i langpack info.
Some changes to applet upload strategies

Version 7.13 (29th December 2005, beta version):

Cruiser is now available in English, Chinese, Czech, Greek, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Swedish languages.
Many thanks to 9Volto for preparing Greek translation.
Added Language page to the Settings window. This page is not shown for Chinese, Malay and Indonesian cards.
Updated TAC list for T290i, K750i, Z520a, W600i, LG U8360, Siemens C62.
GDFS configuration bug fixed for Z520a. No need to attach them as Z520i/c anymore.
Implemented several FS-related functions for brown CID49 W550/W600 phones.
Updated W600i built-in customizations.
Updated W900i built-in customizations.
New brown CID49 to red CID49 conversion EROM file for W550/W600 phones has been included to the help file.
Some prototype-related updates.

Version 7.14 (31st December 2005, gamma version):

K608i testpoint picture included to the help file.
J210 World Generic decustomization has been released.
J210 repair file has been released. Remember to recalculate CRCs (the phone should be attached as J200).
Repair EROM functionality updated to reflect W900 phones. Brown CID49 phones are supported now.
Brown CID49 FOTA (Flash-Over-The-Air) repair files for W550, W600, S600 and W900 have been added to the help file.
Some loaders were updated.
Note: If your phone freezes right after powering on, try direct unlocking it.

v7.14 beta was released a few hours prior to v7.14 gamma...

Version 7.15 (1st January 2006, beta version):

Several communication scripts updated.
Updated TAC list for W900i, W800c, W550i, Z520i, Z520c, Z520a, K600i, K608i, J210i, T230i and T290a.
LG U8380 testpoint included to the help file.
Added an option to write replacement unit customization.
Btw, happy new year!

Version 7.16 (13th January 2006, beta version):

Installer updated. New cable driver version (2176) included.
Built-in customizations updated. Experimental FOTA support added.
Some GDFS-related changes.
Changes in unlock functionality.
Slightly changed functionality of the phone type filter.
Added support for two new flash IDs.
RSA configuration analysis code updated again.
Loaders were updated.
Minor architectural changes.
Allowed to change language to Chinese/Malay for non-Chinese and non-Malay card users.


Version 8.00 (14th January 2006, alpha version):

Implemented red CID49 unlocking and flashing without using a testpoint.
The real standalone way, no EMMA smartcard usage, world's first!
Supported phones are W550i/c, W600i, K600i/c, K608i and V600i. More models coming shortly.
Loaders updated.

Version 8.10 (22nd January 2006, beta version):

Ongoing software architectural changes.
Redundancy decreased.
Added support for programming W810/Cleo/Mulan empty-boards.
Downloading files from K750/W800/Z520 enabled for all users.
Downloading files from W550/W600 enabled for all users.
Downloading files from W900 enabled for all users.
Updated TAC list for T230i and J200i.
The 'USB interference occurred' message should appear less frequently when using nonconforming cables.
Added support for TMS cable.
Thrown away the old, sporadically working, help engine.
Updated many texts in Cruiser help file. Thanks to Muppet.
Help file completely reorganized. Now it seems to be more topologically correct.
Help file screenshots updated, descriptions updated too.
Help file EROM-files updated.
W900i testpoint picture included to the help file.
The LangPack info button should be reliable now.
The F1 key should reliably invoke the relevant help topic.
It works in the Settings window too.
Added support for CID19 EROM recovery.
Debug Log functionality modified so that it can be used with Windows Notepad.
Security I renamed to Security AVR.
Built-in customizations updated.

Version 8.11 (30th January 2006, gamma version):

Released flash file for unlocking LG U8550. In this version it has to be flashed via TP.
It should be no more necessary to unlock RSA before unlocking new Sharp phones via patching.
Installer updated.
Fixed a bug regarding P910a phones.
Updated TAC list for T630i and Sharp V703SH.
Several prototype-related updates.
Built-in customizations updated.

Our flash file for unlocking LG U8550 does not overwrite the GDFS (battery/RF calibration) area.
Neither it downgrades flash certificate CID, so the phone may be easily reflashed by original flash files without TP if needed.
No special steps are required after flashing this file to the phone, the phone will be automatically unlocked.
To repair phones damaged by other tools tick Overwrite flash certificate option before flashing.


Version 9.00 (7th February 2006, test version):

Implemented LG U8550 red CID54 unlocking without using testpoint. World's first again!
Fixed a bug in flashing raw FS files via EPI USB.
Fixed slow-flashing bug for ST Microelectronics chips.
Fixed occassional Sharp 3G flashing bug.
Changes in Sharp 3G functionality.
Changes in LG 3G functionality.
Enabled flash reading from new ARM phones for all users.
Added full support for Blue CID49 phones with baseband chip ID 0x7100.
Some operations on Blue and Brown phones were made faster.
Added support for TMS cable autodetection.
Fixed bug in Disable/Enable OTP IMEI check function for new ARM phones.
The previous code was excessively optimized
Fixed minor J300 file selection issue.
Updated TAC list for Z300i, Z300a and K750i.
Redundancy decreased again.

This is just an experimental version. Many things have been changed, so they may not work properly.
You may report bugs in this thread

Version 9.01 (8th February 2006, test version):

Fixed Sharp 3G flashing bug from version 9.00.

Version 9.02 (8th February 2006, test version):

Fixed GDFS and FS access bug from version 9.00.
Fixed brown/blue CID37 booting bug from version 9.00.

Version 9.03 (9th February 2006):

Added special flashing options for new ARM phones.
Fixed RSA AVR booting bug from version 9.00.
Fixed minor security zone creation bug.
Updated V/K60x testpoint pictures.

Version 9.10 (16th February 2006, alpha version):

It is possible to open more flash files at once.
Note: Just hold the Ctrl key while selecting files.
It is possible to customize filesystem automatically right after flashing raw FS.
All flasher modules were updated.
Minor changes in CID54 configuration analysis code.
Modified default state of Extended config options.
Phone Firmware Backup (.pfb) files created in this version are not backwards compatible
(i.e. should not be used with previous versions).
The Lock to network option should not be enabled for red CID41/42 phones.
Fixed minor FS customization issue.
Fixed minor GDFS/FS bug from version 9.00.
W550 (new HW) testpoint picture updated.
Updated TAC list for T290a, K300i and K700i.
Communication code updated.
Startup code modified.
A few memory leaks removed.

Patcher engine will be updated shortly.

Version 9.11 (16th February 2006, beta version):

Flasher modules updated again.

Version 9.12 (16th February 2006, beta version):

Fixed minor RSA unlock bug.

Version 9.13a (19th February 2006):

Fixed AVR flashing bug from version 9.10.
Updated TAC list for J300i and K300i.
New firmware patcher engine implemented. (Applied to LG for now, Sharp and SE later.)
Added support for patching newer LG 3G firmwares.
Increased patcher timeout in version 9.13a.

Version 9.14 (19th February 2006):

Added support for unlocking several new U8330 firmwares.
Updated TAC list for Siemens C62.
Fixed minor T610 bug manifesting itself on some Windows versions.
Updated LG U8550 block list combo-box for flash reading.

Version 9.15 (22nd February 2006):

Added support for unlocking several new U8180 firmwares.
Updated ARM 2004/2005 FAQ help-file section.
Added FAQ help-file section for Sharp 3G phones.
Updated LG U8110/U8120 unlock procedure descriptions. Thanks to Aamir_Zia and DonaldDuck69.
Updated LG U813x/U8180/U83x0 unlock procedure descriptions.
Fixed bug in langpack description for K700.

Version 9.16 (22nd February 2006, alpha version):

Minor changes in RSA phone booting and shutdown code.
Updated TAC list for J210i.
Redundancy decreased again.
Other minor bugfixes.
Note: It is recommended to fill all SE emptyboards regardless of their phone type by brown CID49 certificate via CID49 recovery boot and certificate repair.

Version 9.17 (23rd February 2006, beta version):

Updated langpack description for W900.
Fixed bug in GDFS access code for phones with baseband IDs 0x8000 and 0x8040.
Reduced importance of Unlock RSA function. It should not be needed for brown and blue phones anymore.

Version 9.18 (24th February 2006, gamma version):

Restored the ability to change IMEI on Sharp 3G phones.
It was dependent on the Unlock RSA function which was removed for these phones recently.
Increased verbosity for operator's mistakes.
Changes in TP-handling code.

Version 9.19 (24th February 2006):

Fixed a bug regarding Create file package option.
Minor changes to booting code.
Open/save dialog code updated.

Version 9.20 (25th February 2006):

Minor changes to EROM area flashing code.
Updated K750/W550/W800/W900/Z520 built-in customizations.

Version 9.21 (26th February 2006):
Installer updated.
EROM and FOTA files moved out from the help file.
From now on, the Format GDFS function will be unavailable. It was abused too often.
From now on, the Flash ARM function will be unavailable in certificate recovery mode.
Help file updated.
User manual in PDF file format released.

Version 9.22 (1st March 2006):

Installer updated.
Debug Log functionality updated.
Minor changes to boot code.
Slightly increased flasher verbosity.
Swedish language strings updated.
Slovak language strings updated

Version 9.23 (5th March 2006, 70th release):

Installer updated.
Updated TAC list for T290a, K300a, K750i, LG U8120 and Sharp V703SHF.
Swedish language strings updated again

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=243922&keyword=CRUISER

Version 9.50 (7th May 2006):

Added functionality for non-TP flashing red CID49 phones (including W810 and Z530) with locked-down EROM area.
Added functionality for non-TP unlocking/relocking red CID49 phones (including W810 and Z530) with locked-down EROM area.
Added non-TP FS functionality for red CID49 phones (including W810 and Z530) with locked-down EROM area.
Added support for non-TP IMEI change in red CID49 phones with locked-down EROM area.
Added support for converting red CID49 K750, W800 and Z520 phones with unlocked EROM area to brown CID49.
Implemented Unlock RSA function for red CID49 phones.
The Repair certificate function is now disabled for red CID49 phones by default. There is a way to enable it, though its use is deprecated.
Added support for automatic firmware identification in red CID49 phones.
Some patchers were analyzing FOTA area by a mistake (i.e. not ignoring it) and therefore not functioning properly for some phone models.
Several applets updated.
Some built-in customizations were updated.

Version 9.51 (8th May 2006):

Some operations made faster.
Increased flasher verbosity.
Fixed minor W900-related bug.

Version 9.52 (8th May 2006):

Full support for downloading files from W810 and Z530 phones.
Help file slightly updated - more to come soon.

Version 9.53 (8th May 2006):

Updated TAC list for T230i, T290i, T630, T637, V800, W800i, W810i, Z520i and LG U8138C.
Fixed non-English language strings.

...and the Unlock RSA function became self-explanatory.
I will release the so-much-needed updated user guide tomorrow

Version 9.54 (8th May 2006):

Fixed applet selection problem. Should fix the Sending applet problem

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=244996&keyword=CRUISER

Version 9.60 (11th May 2006):

Added support for reading unlock/relock codes from Z300.
Added support for reading flash from Z300.
Updated TAC list for Z530i.
Updated built-in customizations

Version 9.61 (12th May 2006):

Added support for K510 phones

Version 9.62 (12th May 2006):

Fixed Z300 booting problem

Version 9.63 (13th May 2006):

We have decided to release separate Firmware Restoral installer.
Added Firmware restore button to the Security page. It automatically looks for proper firmware restoral file and flashes it to the phone.
Help file updated.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=246964&keyword=CRUISER

Version 9.64 (14th May 2006):

Updated communication routines. Enhanced communication handshake in some cases.
Increased timeout when defeating RSA protection of red CID49 phones.
Updated TAC list for LG U8130C.
Added experimental support for J220 and J230 phones.

Version 9.65 (15th May 2006):

Slightly increased flashing speed for some phones.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J220i.

Version 9.66 (15th May 2006):

Updated built-in customizations for W810, W900, Z530.
Fixed a bug in loading AVR flash files for A1018, T10, T18, T28, R320 and R380 phones.
Added several helpful hints to Cruiser code.
Minor updates to flasher code.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=249069&keyword=CRUISER

Version 9.67 (21st May 2006):

Added support for W300 phones. They are basically the same as W810 phones.
Added support for W700 phones. They are basically the same as K750/W800 phones.
Added support for correct handling of red CID49 Z520 phones with locked-down EROM area.
Added support for Z525 phones.
Updated TAC list for K510i, V600i and Z300i.

Version 9.68 (21st May 2006):

Fixed a bug causing flash failure on some prototype phones.
The Repair certificate option was not enabled for CID49 empty-boards by a mistake.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=249422&keyword=CRUISER

Version 9.69 (25th May 2006):

Minor change to UI.
Enhanced communication handshake again.
Updated TAC list for K300i, K700i, Z520a and Z600i.

Version 9.70 (25th May 2006):

Several applets were updated

Version 9.71 (28th May 2006):

Released support for flashing files in MBN and FBN file format. You are using these files at your own risk as validity of their content cannot be guaranteed.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J230i, W800i and Z300a.

Version 9.72 (30th May 2006):

Added built-in system diagnostics.
Installer updated.
Updated TAC list for W700i and Z520a.

Version 9.73 (7th June 2006):

Added support for K310 phones.
Updated TAC list for J210i and K300a.

Flash files and firmware restoral files will be uploaded ASAP.

Version 9.74 (7th June 2006):

Added support for Z550 phones

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=260080&keyword=CRUISER


Version 10.00 (28th September 2006):

Implemented complete support for programming DB2020 emptyboards.
Enabled flashing of DB2020 CID49 phones, although for customizing an EMMA smartcard is required.
Added support for customizing DB2020-based phones by means of an EMMA smartcard.
Added support for manipulating filesystem of DB2020-based phones by means of an EMMA smartcard.
Updated built-in customizations for K610, K790, K800, W850 and Z610.
Updated built-in customizations for W300 and K310.
Added support for red CID49 DB2020 "EROM Upgrade". It is accessible via the Repair EROM button.
Updated langpack description for K310 and K800. More later on.
Minor change to the Replace certificate function.
Updated TAC list for J220i, K300i, K310i, K510i, K610i, K750i, K800i, T106, W300i, W550i, W810i, Z300i, Z525a and Z530i.
Several applets updated.
Fixed some communication issues.
Added K750/W800 testpoint p_w_picpaths.
Added support for identification of Ericsson-based Sagem phones (CID38).

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=297253&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.01 (30th October 2006):
Added support for DB2020-flashing server.
Updated TAC list for K610i, V630i, Z550i.
Fixed minor certificate repair issue.

Version 10.02 (4th November 2006):
Fixed applet selection issue.
Several applets updated.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J230i, K310i, K608i, K750i, K790i, K800i, W300i, W710i, W810i, W850i and Z610i.

Version 10.03 (4th November 2006):
Verbosity increased a little.
Minor changes to the Settings window.
Fixed occasional GDFS configuration mismatch errors.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=310317&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.04 (13th November 2006):
Updated TAC list for K310i, K510i, K800i and Z530i.
Several internal software modules were updated.
Increased client/server communication code robustness.
Minor change to UI.

Version 10.05 (16th November 2006):
Installers should remember last installation folders now.
Phone color and CID should be displayed correctly for DB2020 phones.
Fixed a bug related to DB2000/DB2010 GDFS operations.
Fixed an issue regarding identity change in some DB2010 phones.
Added support for connecting to server by means of a SOCKS4 proxy server.
Added Alternate way option for server connection. It is turned on by default and causes Cruiser to connect to TCP port 9099 instead of port 80.
Updated TAC list for K750i and W810i.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=316384&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.06 (2nd December 2006):
Fixed Z520/Z525 firmware restoral bug.
Updated TAC list for Z710i.
Added button for displaying server news.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=316990&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.07 (5th December 2006):
Added support for Z558 phones.
Updated W710, Z558 and Z710 built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for K618i, M600i, P990i, W300i and W950i.

Version 10.08 (12th December 2006):
Fixed bug in several GDFS operations, occasionally affecting DB2020 phones.
Reset flip counter functionality has been enabled for more phone types.
Enable GSM/3G selection menu functionality has been enabled for more phone types.
Increased client/server communication code robustness.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=320813&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.09 (16th December 2006, 100th release):
Added server support for DB2012 CID50 phones (K320).
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for K310i, K310a, K320i, K800i and W700i.
Fixed one user interface related bug occasionally causing some buttons (Customize FS, Clear Phonelock, etc.) to remain disabled under some circumstances.
Made several changes to CS applet initialization code.
Made changes to boot code.
Updated several applets.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=322047&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.10 (19th December 2006):
Added support for DB201x phones with disabled support for intrinsic ROM commands - this is going to be further optimized.
Fixed one bug from the previous version.
Updated TAC list for K610i.
Updated languagepack descriptions for K610/K790/K800. The information is applicable to more DB2020 models.
Note: In the case of encountering any problems it is recommended to use version 10.08 instead.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=323683&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.30 (24th January 2007):
Updated several applets (CID50 and CID51).
Added support for the DCU-60 cable.
Added support for conversion from red CID49 DB2020 to red CID51 (costs one credit).
Added support for new DB2020 phones with baseband id 0x9901.
Added Identify option when booting a phone.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J220i, K750i, W810i, W850i and Z300a.
Fixed minor issue when reading GDFS zones.
The installer has been updated, EPI USB drivers have been replaced by new USB Flash Device drivers.

Version 10.31 (25th January 2007):
Added support for loading *.ck80sw and *.ck80fs flash files in addition to *.ck8sw and *.ck8fs.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=335550&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.32 (25th January 2007):
Updated TAC list for J220a, K310a, K310i and K610im.
Made several changes to the boot code (work still in progress - to allow more features to be added).
Added support for R3A011 EROM upgrade to R3A016 via DCU-60 cable.
Help file updated (EROM upgrade via DCU-60 and red CID49 to CID51 upgrade).

Version 10.33 (27th January 2007, 105th release):
Updated TAC list for K800i.
Built-in customizations updated.
Made several changes to the boot code.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=336494&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.34 (13th February 2007, gamma version, 106th release):

Added support for K550 and W610 phones.
Added support for red CID51 R3A011 EROM upgrade to R3A016.
Updated TAC list for J230i, K300i, K700i, K790a.
Some fixes in boot code.
Updated several applets.
Help file updated (red CID51 EROM upgrade).

Version 10.35 (14th February 2007):

Updated TAC list for K510a, P900, T610 and W300i.
Minor changes to UI.

Version 10.36 (14th February 2007):

Important UI-related bugfix.
Minor change to boot code.

Version 10.37 (1st March 2007):

Minor architectural changes.
Built-in customizations updated.
Updated TAC list for K550i and W880i.
Minor changes to UI (FS customization related).
Added Default flash folder option to the Settings window.

Version 10.38 (2nd March 2007):

Fixed an issue with customizing W880 phones.
Updated TAC list for K750i and Z530i.

Version 10.40 (26th March 2007):

Added support for DB2020 CID52.
Added support for DB2012 CID51.
Added support for conversion from red CID49/CID51 DB2020 to red CID52. It is enabled for K610, K618, K800, V630 and Z610 phones only.
Updated TAC list for K550i, T630, T65s, T68i, W300i, W810i and Z550i.
Reverted back to previous version of network component.
Built-in customizations updated.

Version 10.41 (1st April 2007):

Added support for conversion from K800 to K810.
Some more phone types can be converted to CID52.
Minor changes to UI.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=359332&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.42 (16th April 2007):

Added support for the PNX5230 platform (flashing, GDFS and FS operations) - Z310 and family.. .
CID49/CID51 to CID52 is enabled for all DB2020 phone types from now on.
Updated TAC list for K310i, K510i, K750i, K800i, T290i, W200a, W300i, Z550a, Z550i and Z610i.
Fixed minor issue related to K550im and W200a phones

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=361673&keyword=CRUISER

Version 10.43 (15th May 2007):

Several applets updated.
Updated TAC list for K310i, K610i, K750i, T230i, W300i, Z530i.
Fixed an issue with CID52 EROM upgrade.
Made some changes related to V630 and W888 phones.
Built-in customizations updated.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=368128&keyword=CRUISER


Cruiser Plus, Version 11.00 (28th May 2007):

We are proud to release correct DB2020 unlocking via codes (red CID49/51) as the first team. Unlike other tools, this procedure does not damage phone security zone, and therefore it does not require presence of patched firmware for the phone to remain unlocked. Reflashing the phone afterwards does not cause the phone to relock itself.
Implemented cross-CID flashing for red CID49/51 DB2020 phones. This allows users to flash latest firmwares without having to upgrade CID.
Implemented unlock RSA operation for red CID49/51 DB2020 phones. It costs one ordinary server credit.
Old ARM (J220/J230/Z300) unlocking enhanced.
Enabled support for flashing J220, J230 and Z300 phones.
Several applets updated. (also in Cruiser)
Updated TAC list for W200i, W880i and Z558i. (also in Cruiser)
DCU-60 communication code enhanced. (also in Cruiser)
Built-in customizations updated. (also in Cruiser)
Help file updated. (also in Cruiser)

Cruiser Plus Version 11.01 - 2007-05-31
For more info visit this page.

Cruiser Plus Version 11.02 - 2007-06-01
Free gift: Upgrading firmware to the latest available one, changing languagepack and unlocking can be done together using just 1 server credit. For more info visit this page.

Cruiser Plus Version 11.03 - 2007-06-02


Cruiser Plus Version 11.03 (2nd June 2007):
Implemented correct DB2012 unlocking via codes (red CID50/51). Reflashing the phone does not cause the phone to relock itself.
Implemented direct unlock functionality for red CID50/51 DB2012 phones.
Implemented cross-CID flashing for red CID50/51 DB2012 phones. This allows users to flash latest firmwares without having to upgrade CID.
Implemented unlock RSA operation for red CID50/51 DB2012 phones. It costs one ordinary server credit.
Added support for flashing red CID52 PNX5230 phones. [also in Cruiser]
Minor changes to boot code. [also in Cruiser]
Help file updated. [also in Cruiser]



Cruiser Plus Version 11.04 - 2007-06-05
For more info visit this page.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=375162&keyword=CRUISER

Cruiser Plus Version 11.05 - 2007-06-15
For more info visit this page.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=390577&keyword=CRUISER
Cruiser Plus, Version 11.06 (28th May 2007):

Updated TAC list for K510i, K550i, K610i, K750i, S500i, V630i, W300i, W710i, W810i, Z310a, Z310i, Z710i, LG U8330i. [also in Cruiser]
Fixed an issue with some DB2012 phones. [also in Cruiser]
Built-in customizations updated. [also in Cruiser]
Reenabled flashing of MBN and FBN flash files (at your own risk, of course). [also in Cruiser]
The latest DB2012 security scheme has been updated to the latest level of DB2020 security, therefore code reading functionality is completely disabled until we find out correct solution to this problem.
Since Cruiser Plus became too large to be maintained effectively (it consists of cca 20MB of source code), more than a half year ago we decided to create a separate application. Current Cruiser Plus users will be able to use all features of this application immediately, with no additional costs.

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=392128&keyword=CRUISER




Cruiser Plus Version 13.00 (2007年11月19日)

· Added support for non-CSCA unlocking of DB2020 red CID52 phones. This solution is protectable. Supported interfaces are DCU-60 and DCU-65.

· Added support for Windows Vista.

· Fixed minor issue with some DB2012 phones.

· Fixed a bug related to smartcard/server communication - caused by adding preliminary support for Vista to the previous version [also in Cruiser]

· Updated TAC list for K800i, K810i, W580i. [also in Cruiser]

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=426590

Version 13.01 (24th November 2007):

Version 13.01 (24th November 2007):

Added an unprotectable solution for unlocking DB2020 red CID52 phones. No server credits are deducted. One has to enable it in the Unlock options of the Server tab in the Settings window.
This is actually the method developed by SoftMobile/Griffin team, then stolen and finally released completely for free by laser.
By this idiotic move we were forced to release the CID52 solution totally unprotected.

加入了db2020 red cid52 的免费解网锁!要激活免费解码,要到‘设置 - 服务器’里面勾好free unlock cid52 db2020;不勾的话,解锁还会扣点的!

Updated TAC list for K510i, K530i, K550i, K750c, K770i, W200i, W300i, W580i, W610i, W810i and Z310a. (also in Cruiser)


Updated communication component. (also in Cruiser)


DB2020 的 RED CID52可以不扣点了!

下载点这: http://bbs.blueshow.net/read.php?tid=427927

Cruiser Plus Version 13.02 (2008年03月26日)

Version 13.02 (16th March 2008):
Updated TAC list for K530i, K550i, K610i, K790i, K800i, K810i, S500i, W200i, W300i, W580i, W700i, W810i, W830i, W880i, Z530i, Z610i, LG U8120.
o Several internal software modules were updated.


Cruiser Plus Version 13.10 (2008年04月23日)
Version 13.10 (22nd April 2008, 130th release):

· Added support for flashing red CID53 DB2020 phones.

· Updated built-in customizations. [also in Cruiser]

· Updated TAC list for K800i.

· More phone types are now supported when upgrading to CID52.

· Several internal software modules have been updated.


Cruiser Plus Version 13.11 (2008年04月24日)

[font=georgia,times]Cruiser+ Version 13.11 官方下载链接 用户名和密码均为 cruiser

  • [li]Added support for flashing red CID53 PNX5230 phones (W380, Z555). [/li]

  • [li]Updated built-in customizations. [also in Cruiser][/li]

  • [li]Updated TAC list for W380i. [also in Cruiser][/li]

Cruiser+ Version 13.10

  • [li]Added support for flashing red CID53 DB2020 phones.[/li]

  • [li]Updated built-in customizations. [also in Cruiser] [/li]

  • [li]Updated TAC list for K800i. [also in Cruiser] [/li]

  • [li]More phone types are now supported when upgrading to CID52.[/li]

  • [li]Several internal software modules have been updated. [also in Cruiser][/li]

When flashing CID53 phones, make sure you have selected one of our servers at your proper Setting tab (it is mandatory).
No credits are deducted, no internet connection is needed.


Cruiser Plus, Version 13.20 (3rd July 2008, 132nd release):


  • [li]Cruiser software now supports Cruiser UC-20 cable.
    [/li][li]Updated built-in customizations. [also in Cruiser]
    [/li][li]Updated TAC list for K320i, K530i, K770i, K800i, S500i, W200i, W380i, W580i, W610i, W660i. [also in Cruiser]
    [/li][li]Fixed a minor bug related to W350 phones. [also in Cruiser]
    [/li][li]Solved an issue with some DB2012 phones. [also in Cruiser]
    [/li][li]Several internal software modules have been updated. [also in Cruiser] [/li]
