就是有I E1 15:01:03 OptiFlash started!
I E2 15:01:03 Preferences section [Default] selected!
I E3 15:01:26 PC transfer speeds (COM2): 57600 115200
I E4 15:01:26 Loading S-record file: <E:\新建文件夹\S300.sre>, RangeCheck=Off
I E5 15:01:26 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
I E6 15:01:26 1: 0x00000000 - 0x000042db = 17116 Bytes
I E7 15:01:26 Loading S-record file: <E:\新建文件夹\S208_G3_BS.SRE>, RangeCheck=On
I E8 15:01:29 There are 4 memory regions in the S-record file:
I E9 15:01:29 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00001fff = 8192 Bytes
I E10 15:01:29 2: 0x00004000 - 0x00007fff = 16384 Bytes
I E11 15:01:29 3: 0x0000e000 - 0x005bbd63 = 5954916 Bytes
I E12 15:01:29 4: 0x00700000 - 0x00c296ab = 5412524 Bytes
I E13 15:01:29 Power on mobile !
I E14 15:01:36 Flash loader version: V3.52
I E15 15:01:36 Mobile transfer speeds: 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800
I E16 15:01:36 Detected flash chips: 2
I E17 15:01:36 1: Manufacturer: 0xb0, Device: 0x00b1
I E18 15:01:36 2: Manufacturer: 0x00, Device: 0x0000
E E19 15:01:36 Flash chip 1 is not supported by the flash loader !
I E20 15:01:36 Error code: ERROR_FLASHTYPE
E E21 15:01:36 Sorry, an error has occured ! (ERROR_FLASHTYPE)