Phoenix可以刷5200 5300 6300。这些都没问题,不过一刷N72 N70就刷不过,但也刷不死
Detecting FLS device.
FLS device not detected.
Starting the flashing
Starting USB flashing.
Cmt->Reading image file data...
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 8
Cmt->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->AdlServer: Phone info requested succesfully
Cmt->Found CMT AdlLoader file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\Tss\flash\ADLREVC00-0540-2.adl
Cmt->Found APE AdlLoader file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\Tss\flash\ADLREVA00.adl
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 7
Cmt->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->Flash file code succesfully read from file
Cmt->AdlServer: AdlLoader code reflash request sent succesfully
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 30%
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 60%
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 100%
Cmt->AdlServer: AdlLoader code succesfully sent to phone
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 7
Ape->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->Flash file code succesfully read from file
Ape->AdlServer: AdlLoader code reflash request sent succesfully
Ape->Sending Loader code: 10%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 30%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 50%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 60%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 80%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 100%
Ape->AdlServer: AdlLoader code succesfully sent to phone
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 3
Ape->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Ape->AdlServer running...
Cmt->Ready for reboot
Ape->Ready for reboot
Ape->Rebooting phone
Ape->Phone rebooted to Adl flash mode
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 80
Ape->Trying to verify communication 2 of 80
Ape->Trying to verify communication 3 of 80
Ape->Communication verified to Adl Loader
Cmt->Estimated flashing time 4 min 0 sec
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 1
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 3
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 2 of 3
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 3 of 3
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Cmt->CMT loader does not start
Starting the flashing
Starting USB flashing.
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 2 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 3 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 4 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 5 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 6 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 7 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 8 of 8
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Product flashing failed.
NokiaSoftwareUpdater刷N70 N72那些也没问题,不过刷5200 5300 6300这些就有些麻烦了,软件提示刷完后机子跟刷机前一样,没刷进去[s:72]
Detecting FLS device.
FLS device not detected.
Starting the flashing
Starting USB flashing.
Cmt->Reading image file data...
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 8
Cmt->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->AdlServer: Phone info requested succesfully
Cmt->Found CMT AdlLoader file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\Tss\flash\ADLREVC00-0540-2.adl
Cmt->Found APE AdlLoader file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\Tss\flash\ADLREVA00.adl
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 7
Cmt->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->Flash file code succesfully read from file
Cmt->AdlServer: AdlLoader code reflash request sent succesfully
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 30%
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 60%
Cmt->Sending Loader code: 100%
Cmt->AdlServer: AdlLoader code succesfully sent to phone
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 7
Ape->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Cmt->Flash file code succesfully read from file
Ape->AdlServer: AdlLoader code reflash request sent succesfully
Ape->Sending Loader code: 10%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 30%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 50%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 60%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 80%
Ape->Sending Loader code: 100%
Ape->AdlServer: AdlLoader code succesfully sent to phone
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 3
Ape->Communication verified to AdlServer.
Ape->AdlServer running...
Cmt->Ready for reboot
Ape->Ready for reboot
Ape->Rebooting phone
Ape->Phone rebooted to Adl flash mode
Ape->Trying to verify communication 1 of 80
Ape->Trying to verify communication 2 of 80
Ape->Trying to verify communication 3 of 80
Ape->Communication verified to Adl Loader
Cmt->Estimated flashing time 4 min 0 sec
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 1
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 3
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 2 of 3
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 3 of 3
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Cmt->CMT loader does not start
Starting the flashing
Starting USB flashing.
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 1 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 2 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 3 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 4 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 5 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 6 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 7 of 8
Cmt->Trying to verify communication 8 of 8
Cmt->Failed to verify communication.
Product flashing failed.
NokiaSoftwareUpdater刷N70 N72那些也没问题,不过刷5200 5300 6300这些就有些麻烦了,软件提示刷完后机子跟刷机前一样,没刷进去[s:72]