irRemoteirRemote turns your phone into a universal remote control. irRemote allows to operate audio and video equipment using one device - Symbian operated smartphone with infrared port.
PowerIt's simple and intuitive. Just select the device from the list and control it using your phone's keypad. The database of supported devices is stored online and you can download new codes directly from the irRemote.
WizardYou can extend the list of supported devices by uploading codes for them through an online wizard. Your uploaded codes can be downloaded directly from irRemote and ranked by other irRemote users.适用机型:
Nokia 5500 Nokia E50 Nokia E51 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia E61i Nokia E65 Nokia E70 Nokia E90 Nokia N71 Nokia N73 Nokia N75 Nokia N80 Nokia N92 Nokia N93 Nokia N93i Nokia N95
1.如果提示更新错误,请先卸载程序管理内的DRM CommonSolutions。
3.安装文件2时,会提示DRM CommonSolutions 3.02替换3.03,我想之所以用旧换新,是因为破解文件3是针对3.02版本的破解。
4.安装完毕启动软件发现Register内的License变为Unlimited license,即无限制使用版本。
5.发现程序管理内DRMCommonSolutions 3.03和3.02同时存在。3.03可删除,免得占用空间。3.02请保留,如删除,程序无法启动。
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