之前用官方版本的本地安装法升到过1.1.3,用图标覆盖运营商logo后就进不了系统,重回了1.1.2(过程曲折,主要是一开始没留意1.1.1装Oktopre前,IP只有300M的问题)。今天见到有个操作更简单的Installer法出来了,就再试试。分享一下过程: 原生1.1.2越狱好机器,卸载掉所有第三方,仅留下Community Sources、Installer、BSD Subsystem、OpenSSH,操作:
1. auto-lock 设置 NEVER (我一直都这样设置的)
2. 添加源http://www.modiphone.net/repo
3. 在Modiphone.net下找到“Jailbreak 1.1.3″ ,安装
4. 去洗澡,30分钟后回到机器旁,已重启完成到1.1.3(实际用多长时间不知道)
Official 1.1.3 Jailbreak fixed/re-released + Sync Fix (on Installer)Posted by Justin Nolan
January 27th, 2008
The Official dev-team jailbreak has been fixed and re-released. It is available to install directly from our Installer repo. Here is our complete guide:
1. You must be running 1.1.2 jailbroken. If you are on 1.1.1: install oktoprep, update to 1.1.2, and jailbreak. If you are on 1.1.3 already and want to start fresh: restore to 1.1.1, jailbreak (with jailbreakme.com), install oktoprep, update to 1.1.2, and jailbreak.
2. Install BSD Subsystem (version 1.5+ required). Set auto-lock to NEVER in preferences. Install SSH as a fail-safe.
3. Add http://www.modiphone.net/repo to your Installer sources. Refresh sources. Install “Jailbreak 1.1.3″ under Modiphone.net. This can take 20+ minutes. Your phone should reboot when done, and you will be in 1.1.3, fully jailbroken.
4. If you are experiencing syncing issues of contacts, events, etc, (with new or from the earlier jailbreak) install “1.1.3 Sync Fix”. This is also on our repo, under Modiphone.net.
If you need help, feel free to ask in our new forums.
Important notes:
-If our repo is already in your sources, REFRESH your sources! The version number for the package should read 2.0.
-You need a good wifi connection. The script downloads the firmware from Apple which is very large.
-The script can take a long time, and will not always reboot your device when finished, for reasons out of anyones control. If you feel it’s taking too long, I would say 30+ minutes, go ahead and reset it. It should boot into 1.1.3.
-If it finishes and you are stuck in Recovery Mode, fear not! Simply run iBrickr and it will automatically detect and fix this. Again, this is out of our control. This is common with all updates/jailbreaks.
1. auto-lock 设置 NEVER (我一直都这样设置的)
2. 添加源http://www.modiphone.net/repo
3. 在Modiphone.net下找到“Jailbreak 1.1.3″ ,安装
4. 去洗澡,30分钟后回到机器旁,已重启完成到1.1.3(实际用多长时间不知道)
Official 1.1.3 Jailbreak fixed/re-released + Sync Fix (on Installer)Posted by Justin Nolan
January 27th, 2008
The Official dev-team jailbreak has been fixed and re-released. It is available to install directly from our Installer repo. Here is our complete guide:
1. You must be running 1.1.2 jailbroken. If you are on 1.1.1: install oktoprep, update to 1.1.2, and jailbreak. If you are on 1.1.3 already and want to start fresh: restore to 1.1.1, jailbreak (with jailbreakme.com), install oktoprep, update to 1.1.2, and jailbreak.
2. Install BSD Subsystem (version 1.5+ required). Set auto-lock to NEVER in preferences. Install SSH as a fail-safe.
3. Add http://www.modiphone.net/repo to your Installer sources. Refresh sources. Install “Jailbreak 1.1.3″ under Modiphone.net. This can take 20+ minutes. Your phone should reboot when done, and you will be in 1.1.3, fully jailbroken.
4. If you are experiencing syncing issues of contacts, events, etc, (with new or from the earlier jailbreak) install “1.1.3 Sync Fix”. This is also on our repo, under Modiphone.net.
If you need help, feel free to ask in our new forums.
Important notes:
-If our repo is already in your sources, REFRESH your sources! The version number for the package should read 2.0.
-You need a good wifi connection. The script downloads the firmware from Apple which is very large.
-The script can take a long time, and will not always reboot your device when finished, for reasons out of anyones control. If you feel it’s taking too long, I would say 30+ minutes, go ahead and reset it. It should boot into 1.1.3.
-If it finishes and you are stuck in Recovery Mode, fear not! Simply run iBrickr and it will automatically detect and fix this. Again, this is out of our control. This is common with all updates/jailbreaks.