D davilixian 普通会员 2006-03-12 270 0 0 2008-02-15 #2 v0.914024/UNI - added support for flash,usercode reset,gdfs and file operations for cid53 pnx5230 phones (z555,w380 at present). full unlock is possible via signature calculations (only when signature calculcations are online)
v0.914024/UNI - added support for flash,usercode reset,gdfs and file operations for cid53 pnx5230 phones (z555,w380 at present). full unlock is possible via signature calculations (only when signature calculcations are online)
五 五味柑橘 普通会员 2006-05-11 1,264 0 0 2008-02-16 #5 引用第3楼风之崖于2008-02-16 00:27发表的 : 跟W910一样吧,也要10点呀。。。。 点击展开... 对的.
风 风之崖 游客 2008-02-18 #8 引用第6楼jdy445566于2008-02-18 19:47发表的 : 10点``天文数字~~我今天说给别人解个W910五重锁~去我朋友售后帮他解要他200~~都不解~~ 点击展开... 贵了~~`我拿给别人解才50块`~~不过我收客户120~~
引用第6楼jdy445566于2008-02-18 19:47发表的 : 10点``天文数字~~我今天说给别人解个W910五重锁~去我朋友售后帮他解要他200~~都不解~~ 点击展开... 贵了~~`我拿给别人解才50块`~~不过我收客户120~~