-added testpoint for db2020 phones.
db2020 testpoint idea made by dre_ambox team.
as i respected that, i not included db2020 testpoint in setool2
for a long time. but anything ends sometime.
now, setool2 users can enjoy gdfs db2020 gdfs repair.
1. it is only and only for professionals.
users,advanced users, please "go away".
2. testpoint is +3.3 voltage, connected to specific pin.
we suggesting to use +3.3v battery
(battery ground MUST be connected with phone's GROUND)
3. go to emptyboard fill & repair.
4. select any db2020 model.
5. press "TP STAGE #1". read instructions and execute them.
6. press "TP STAGE #2". read instructions and execute them.
7. phone is BROWN now.
8. staying on "emptyboard fill and repair" write correct gdfs_in_ssw format.
9. if flashing went fine, flash db2020 erom with needed CID.
10. phone now retail and repaired. fullflash phone as usual.
testpoint pictures (courtesy of drea_mbox team) included.
after SETOOL2 db2020 testpoint procedure phone FULLY
working in "alternative security bypass" mode without ANY restrictions.
- greatly decreased locosto-based SEMC ODM phones security bypass time.
(instead ~50 seconds, now we have ~18 seconds)
- minor bugfixes.
- added support for new locosto-based ODM phones - T270,T280,R300,R306,T303,etc.supported flash,correct unlock by patch,usercode reset. be careful - select CORRECT model and CORRECT flashfiles.
- 加入了t270, t280, r300, r306, t303的刷机支持,解网锁和话机锁。注意请认真选对型号和刷机资料。
- updated phone model names
- 更新了手机型号名字
- minor bugfixes
- 小bug修复
- updated a2 loaders to recent version
- 升级了a2系列手机的引导程序的版本(应该是为了新型号的刷机支持吧:)
- updated supported flash types for locosto-based phones
- 加入了最新的locosto类型手机的刷机支持
- updated phone model names
- 更新了手机型号名字
- minor bugfixes
- 小bug修复
- added FREE STANDALONE new alternative bypass method for db201x cid53 phones.
- 加入免费的db201x cid53(例如 w200 cid53)解网锁支持,采用的还是和db2020 cid53相同的补丁式解法。
please note that due lack of all needed loaders,
"identify" for cid53 db201x phones will only work with DCU60.
- added FREE STANDALONE new alternative bypass method
for db201x cid50/cid51, pnx5230 cid49/cid51, db2020 cid49/cid51.
you DO NOT NEED logs for them anymore.
PLEASE CHECK FAQ for important instructions.
- db201x cid50/cid51, pnx5230 cid49/cid51, db2020 cid49/cid51补丁解码不再需要点数。
- added all latest bypass packages
- 集成了最全的bypass pack。
- not important bugfixes, just merged latest fixes in different modules.
- 只是修复了一些小错误,还有加入了至今所有的BYPASS PACK而已。
- by request added pause after preparation part of new altbypass method.
please check FAQ for change in procedure.
- 在新的补丁解锁过程中加入了一个READY步骤(开机执行完补丁,手机关机了以后,要求重新装电池,再按ready键才会继续要求按C键联机)
- added possibility to create restoration files automatically.
for that, identify phone to find out what firmware inside.
then, add that firmware to firmware area and identify phone AGAIN.
rest file will be created if firmware is okay.
- 增加了自动生成rest文件的功能,方法是:
- added all latest BYPASS PACKAGES
- 添加好了现有的所有bypass pack,在rest文件夹里面。
- "complete after flash" was broken when using new
"alternative security bypass" mode. fixed
- 修复了在补丁式破解同时勾'complete after flash'会出现的错误
- "use preloader bypass mode" not allowed
"unlock" operations. fixed
- 勾'use preloader bypass mode'了以后不能点'unlock',修复
- memory overrun was present, which sometimes
prevents phones from booting. fixed.
- 修正了产生内存溢出导致手机无法启动的错误。
- added free,standalone,no testpoint, no additional expensive "tp cables"
alternative bypass method for following chipsets:
db201x cid52, db2020 cid52/cid53, pnx5230 cid52/cid53
all you need - is cheap TEST SIM CARD (or OPERATOR card)
please, see all details about that method in THAT FAQ post.
- 推出了新的补丁式解锁方法!免点!无须上网!不用测试点!
支持db201x cid52, db2020 cid52/cid53, pnx5230 cid52/cid53
- fixed gdfs write problem in db201x brown phones
- 修复给棕色db201x型号手机写gdfs的问题
- added support for loader inside phone
(for QUICK patch/etc operations using new alternative bypass method)
for that, run "executor" in phone (menu->games), then check in settings
"use preloader security bypass" and then do desired operation.
- 加入一个菜单中可执行的破解引导程序(在游戏菜单里)
- misc other bugfixes, maybe some bugs, check and report.
- 一些小bug的修复
