我有台K850不开机,按开机震一下,然后只有按键灯跟照相后面的蓝灯亮,不是长亮,过一会就不亮了,我试用CR刷,但提示失败,我是用SE A2 Flasher平台.是不是要用USB刷,还是按什么键连机? 请各拉大哥帮一下我.
15:08:33 SE A2 Flasher v1.02 by Cruiser Team
15:08:33 Initializing...
! 15:08:33 1. Choose the phone model
! 15:08:33 2. Select main firmware flash file (*.a2sw)
! 15:08:33 3. Select raw FS flash file (*.a2fs)
! 15:08:33 4. Please connect the phone while holding its C button…
15:09:00 Connecting via Generic FTDI Cable (COM7)…
15:09:00 Starting communication...
15:09:00 Connecting to the baseband CPU...
15:09:04 Entering baseband CPU service mode...
E 15:09:34 Error: 0x4FD5AF0F
E 15:09:34 Error: 0x632056CE
E 15:09:34 Error: 0x4004F6B2
E 15:09:34 Error: 0xEB4BD9D2
E 15:09:34 Failed!
! 15:09:34 Please disconnect battery and cable from the phone!
! 15:09:34 To report errors right-click this window