loy 普通会员 2003-06-01 13,680 0 36 2004-05-17 #5 scsunny 说: 怎么才知道啊,我是菜鸟啊,是G2版本的,用其它人做的一刷就黑屏开不了机了! 点击展开... 也许是你刷了不是和自己版本的东西导致的~~~看来要重刷了`~~
D diabllo 普通会员 2003-09-29 1,888 0 0 2004-05-17 #6 一般大家在发布DIY作品的时候都会注明是哪个版本的适合刷,所以你在刷之前一定要看好是否合适自己的手机版本刷!
L lchao1977 普通会员 2003-09-21 54 0 0 2004-05-20 #7 i thing you better flash new E5 vesions frist because all most the S3 file creat in bluenet are using the new E5.so the problem will no happen again if you are using the S3 file from here..
i thing you better flash new E5 vesions frist because all most the S3 file creat in bluenet are using the new E5.so the problem will no happen again if you are using the S3 file from here..