RM-258 Phone Data Package 11.65 Installation
From this Version, RM-258 uses Data Package 11.65 Firmware update.
Pls use Phoenix Internal Service Software A 2006.50.0.215 or later version, otherwise it will not work;
Only FPS-10 Prommer box could be used; FPS-8 prommer box could not be used for DP2.0 currently.
!!! This DataPackage uses the new DataPackage-Template 2.8 !!!
!!! -------------------------------------------------------- !!!
!!! Please UNINSTALL all DataPackage for this product BEFORE and !!!
!!! remove any NOT unistalled files by hand, if there exist any !!!
!!! (default path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\products\RM-258 !!!
!!! !!!
Close Phoenix before starting installation of the Data Package.
Known limitations/problems:
- Reading/writing settings may show errors, but do not cause failing
of the whole flashing procedure
Installation package includes
- MCU software release 06.82 + language packages (PPM) + content packages
- Flash update package (FPS-10/FLS-4 prommer software update)
- Default SW setting files (MMS settings, WAP bookmarks etc.)
- User interface configuration file for Product Profile tool (rh86.ppu)
- Label printing files (rh_86lbl.ini, *.pcx)
- product specific ini - files (for tuning, ect.)
- readme.txt (this file)
Date: 26-September-2008
Copyright ?Nokia. All rights reserved.
RM-258 Phone Data Package 11.65 Installation
From this Version, RM-258 uses Data Package 11.65 Firmware update.
Pls use Phoenix Internal Service Software A 2006.50.0.215 or later version, otherwise it will not work;
Only FPS-10 Prommer box could be used; FPS-8 prommer box could not be used for DP2.0 currently.
!!! This DataPackage uses the new DataPackage-Template 2.8 !!!
!!! -------------------------------------------------------- !!!
!!! Please UNINSTALL all DataPackage for this product BEFORE and !!!
!!! remove any NOT unistalled files by hand, if there exist any !!!
!!! (default path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\products\RM-258 !!!
!!! !!!
Close Phoenix before starting installation of the Data Package.
Known limitations/problems:
- Reading/writing settings may show errors, but do not cause failing
of the whole flashing procedure
Installation package includes
- MCU software release 06.82 + language packages (PPM) + content packages
- Flash update package (FPS-10/FLS-4 prommer software update)
- Default SW setting files (MMS settings, WAP bookmarks etc.)
- User interface configuration file for Product Profile tool (rh86.ppu)
- Label printing files (rh_86lbl.ini, *.pcx)
- product specific ini - files (for tuning, ect.)
- readme.txt (this file)
Date: 26-September-2008
Copyright ?Nokia. All rights reserved.