

[i=s] 本帖最后由 loquat 于 2009-4-16 19:16 编辑 [/i]

;【S7C V47】【MP】增大音量 v3
01F3A2C: 2600C4E5 D3FFFFEA
01F3980:030000EF6C3DA0E30320A0E30410A0E1 00709FE537FF2FE101EB06A0290000EA
01F3A58:000000EA C0FFFFEA
01F3960:0600000A020000EF6C3DA0E30320A0E3 00709FE537FF2FE131EB06A03B0000EA
#pragma enable old_equal_ff
006EB00: E0B51FB41748C4DF0BD0071C7FDF0130
006EB10: B978C14005D31FBC7D78401B2626A055
006EB20: 02E01FBC2626A055E0BC80BC04373847
006EB30: E0B51FB40B48C4DF0BD0071C7FDF0130
006EB40: F978C14005D31FBC3D7905382926A055
006EB50: 02E01FBC2926A055E0BC80BC04373847
006EB60: E4D3C2B116AD00000000000000000000,"\
{p=`9E582759F397CF912000760033002E0030006900` cp=`SiNgle,Kad,Akot` id=ad16 ver=3}\
{sm `6C62F0586856`}\
{sm `D2636551`}\
{2.0 cb `Player off`}\
{2.1 cb `Player on`}\
{1 sl F397CF91 r=0..7}","\
{sm `33803A67`}\
{sm `D2636551`}\
{3.0 cb `Player off`}\
{3.1 cb `Player on`}\
{4 sl F397CF91 r=0..20}\
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
; [S7C V47]情景模式控制键盘灯
;*** 键盘灯控制 ***

;(C) AsteriX
;(R) Lisugar
;(P) BingK,loquat
;00 - 正常模式    ;01 - 键盘灯一直亮    ;02 - 键盘灯一直灭
0990292: 19F2B2E8 D1F3E5FF
#pragma enable old_equal_ff
0D621A0: 02 ;for Profile 1
0D621B0: 02 ;for Profile 2
0D621C0: 00 ;for Profile 3
0D621D0: 02 ;for Profile 4
0D621E0: 00 ;for Profile 5
0D621F0: 00 ;for Profile 6
0D62200: 00 ;for Profile 7
0D62260: 00B5FCB40A4880470006000E09494318
0D62270: 1978FCBC022903D0012902D12D2200E0
0D62280: 00220120012110B4034CA04710BC00BD
0D62290: 0xA028B5A3,0xA0D62EB0,0xA0BAA2C4
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
;[S7CV47]Unlock folders in Card-Explorer
;Unlock folders in Card-Explorer
;Unlock folders in Card-Explorer
;(c) 1nvisible
;(r) funMarkus
;(p) BingK(binghelingxi)
;Version: 2.5
;PatchID: 8980
;Details: http://patches.kibab.com/patches/details.php5?id=8980
0370C2C: 0028 8042 ;normal names for system folders
036AEBE: F3B5FFB0 01207047 ;unlock move/copy for every file
036F6B3: D0 E0 ;unlock options menu
;------------------------- end -------------------------
;[S7C V47]取消连接simoco时的请稍后
;Disable "Wait" in OBEX
;(c) dimonp25
;(p) loquat
09A541E:F8B5 7047
;【S7C V47】另一个取消连接simoco时的请稍后
;Disable "Wait" in OBEX
;(c) dimonp25
;(p) loquat
;Version: 2
0310436: 14F108EC C046C046
;【MP】【S7C V47】文件接收提醒 v2
;Sound on data transfer request
;(c) -=(Kad)=-;(p) loquat
;Version: 2-MP
;PatchID: 7753
366FD8: 0523252000923B49 004B984701E806A0 ; Request sound
366FA0: 2068002807D1444B 0049884731E806A0 ; Recieved data sound

;body X75v100
;Sound on data transfer request
;(c) -=(Kad)=-
;Version: 2-BASE
;PatchID: 7752
#pragma enable old_equal_ff
006E800: 05230022FF210902FF31FFB51548C4DF
006E810: 09D0071C7878B9787A68FB7898DF387A
006E820: FF2800D033DFFFBC08BC04331847C046
006E830: 02231B02CB33FFB50A48C4DFF3D0071C
006E840: 787AB97AFA68FB7A98DF387CFF28EAD0
006E850: 33DFFFBC02BC04310847

006E860: E4D3C2B115AD00000000000000000000,"\
{p=`8765F64EA5633665D063929176003200` id=ad15 ver=2}\
{c typ `ED77E14F2F63C394`=0x0F `ED77E14FC394F058`=0x15 `4E4F3575CF91`=0x1E `85516E7FF3974865`=0x1C `5997F397`=0xFF}\
{sm `A56336658765F64E`}\
{1 h `F3974865` v=90}","\
{2 b 91988773 v=10}","\
{4 ms 68541F67 v=45}","\
{3 cb `2F63A8527351ED95F665AD643E65` v=1}","\
{8 o `0990E962F3974865` c=typ v=0xFF}","\
{sm `A56336658C5BD56B`}\
{9 h `F3974865` v=90}","\
{10 b 91988773 v=10}","\
{12 ms 68541F67 v=45}","\
{11 cb `2F63A8527351ED95F665AD643E65F3974865` v=1}","\
{16 o `0990E962F3974865` c=typ v=0x0F}","\
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
;【MP】【S7C V47】接通挂断提醒V0.2(声音或者振动)
;Sound at connect and end of call
;(c) -=(Kad)=-, SiNgle, avkiev, (Evgr)
;(p) loquat
;Version: 0.2-MP

0EAF160: 2A1C2B1C09211730 004B9847,0xA007010B ; At connect     ;S7cv47
02F99D0: 444A2B1C70320021 00498847,0xA0070133 ; At end of call ;S7cv47
02F99D8: 0120 424A ;S7cv47

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
007010A: 2A1C2B1C0921
0070110: 1730FFB51348C4DF05D0071C7878B978
0070120: 7A68FB7898DFFFBC08BC04331847C046
0070132: 2B1C703200210120FFB50948C4DF
0070140: 09D0071C787AB97AFA68FB7A98DF387C
0070150: FF2800D033DFFFBC02BC04310847

0070160: 0xB1C2D3E4,0x00110408,0000000000000000,"\
{p=`A5631A900263AD65D0639291` id=110408 ver=0.2}","\
{info `A5631A90F058F3974865305238003000E54E0A4E2F662F63A852`}\
{c typ `ED77E14F2F63C394`=0x10 `4E4F3575CF91`=0x1F `555FCF50`=0x1E `F8763A67`=0x1D `005F3A67F058F397`=0x17 `5173673A58F097F3`=0x18 `5997F397`=0xFF}\
{sm `A5631A90BE8B6E7F`}\
{1 h F3974865 v=80}","\
{2 b 91988773 v=10}","\
{4 ms 68541F67 v=45}","\
{3 cb `Play if vibra off` v=1}","\
{sm `0263AD65BE8B6E7F`}\
{9 h F3974865 v=80}","\
{10 b 91988773 v=10}","\
{12 ms 68541F67 v=50}","\
{11 cb `Play if vibra off` v=1}","\
{16 o `0990E962F3974865` c=typ v=0xFF}","\
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
;3DMultibandSound (alpha)
;s7c v47

020700E: 32 03 ; AudioVis (Multiband)
;020700E: 32 06 ; AudioVis (1band)
020702E: 0DD2 06D1 ; Equalizer (3DSet1)
0207042: A3 A1 ; EqSet1->3DSet1
0206930: 04D2 0ED1 ; TestMode (Speaker)


;【MP】Jump to custom folders 文件夹快速跳转[修正键位+汉化]
; * xFolder * 
; Jump to custom folders
; (c) benj9, x85 (maybe x75)
; (!) Masterpatch. Uses FreeRam + 0x7C

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
7A100: 78466F6C64657231302C62656E6A3900
7A110: 3FB500F044F90ED02569002D0BD00138
7A120: 09D4E978884206DC012121703D210022
7A130: 231C00F092F83FBDFEB589B020780990
7A140: EA780B92002A7AD01420013250430790
7A150: 2A79920892002A710A92142151434018
7A160: 1030012192DF002869D0041C10340025
7A170: 00260998042808D1F5A7E8003F1800F0
7A180: 63F80135032DF7DD20E0FF2D01D1F8A7
7A190: 12E00A990A1C7243079880180019071C
7A1A0: 2A1C00F08DF90999022902D0002805D0
7A1B0: 02E0002800D1DFA700F046F801350B98
7A1C0: 8542E2DBFF2D01DCFF25DEE70C9D0695
7A1D0: 103C05940D9808300490002709980228
7A1E0: 08D004DB042807DBE1A003900AE00227
7A1F0: D7A202E0D8A200E0D9A2DBA1C5A3201C
7A200: 16DF03940297784651300190CDA20421
7A210: 08A800F04EF905D008A81BDF02D008A8
7A220: AFDF01380090311C0998042800D10321
7A230: 00230022201C1030C7DF2B0200E00020
7A240: 0C99486009B0FEBD142070430019B049
7A250: 05604760816001367047F0B58FB01C1C
7A260: 071C0E1C101C15DF0020606025693D2E
7A270: 28D12678042E01D1781C02E0FF2F02D1
7A280: 0420207032E0032E2AD00E9700A8391C
7A290: 00F0F9F8ABA100A800F0FAF828794000
7A2A0: 08300C90A4DF3A1C071C297900F018F9
7A2B0: 022E0AD0002803D00020391C00F0C4F8
7A2C0: 381C15DF0020207012E0052020700A94
7A2D0: 0B978DA000A90022C7DF0701A06007E0
7A2E0: 391C0020009000A800F0D9F8FFF724FF
7A2F0: 0FB00120F0BD40B5061C306BA4DF7063
7A300: 021C331CF16A032000F09EF8B16AC860
7A310: 40BDF0B5BFB0061C0F1CB88882498842
7A320: 38881CD17D49884219D1F06A15DF706B
7A330: C7DF2301002807D0021C706B00A9A3DF
7A340: 00A8B16B00F0ABF8B46AA068F568A842
7A350: 01D0C7DFFC01281CC7DFFC01A0603FB0
7A360: F0BD70B5061C706B15DFB46AE068C7DF
7A370: FC01E060022020700C2014DF02D10020
7A380: 207004E0846003217A4605324DDF70BD
7A390: 30B58468256915DFFFF7CEFE30BD0FB5
7A3A0: C7DFE480051CEC6F002C09D101201421
7A3B0: 92DF041C04D0EC6778461730C7DF2B01
7A3C0: 0FBD10B5FFF7EBFF02D06E48C4DF2061
7A3D0: 10BD70B5FFF7E3FF34D02569002D31D0
7A3E0: 6E78B0422ED1FF229432914228D06078
7A3F0: 012827D0AE780132914205D001329142
7A400: 20D1002E1AD001E0012E1BD020780028
7A410: 18D1A068002801D0C7DFFC0160680028
7A420: 02D00121C7DF3D010120207000206060
7A430: E060A060FFF780FE00D12070012000E0
7A440: 00206070002070BDF0B59AB0041C0D1C
7A450: 161C1F1C00A8682158DF281CC7DF2301
7A460: 002800D0262001900295009401200890
7A470: 002C02D003950B960E9700A8C7DF2E02
7A480: 1AB00028F0BD00B54A1C2CA116DF00BD
7A490: 08B50B1C1FA20421C7DF2D0208BD18B5
7A4A0: 041C00A8FFF7EFFF00A9201CFFF7F0FF
7A4B0: 18BD08B5009217A30422C7DF2C0208BD
7A4C0: 38B5041C0D1C00A8111CFFF7DCFF00AA
7A4D0: 291C201CFFF7EDFF01D0201C1BDF38BD
7A4E0: 30B5BFB0041C0D1C00A8FFF7E9FF02D1
7A4F0: 2168088005E02A1C00A9201CC7DF6C01
7A500: 01203FB030BD000013A307A0F7A207A0
7A510: FFFFFF7F78466F6C6465720009420000
7A520: 63A307A03C0000000064000030A507A0
7A530: 020000003C667265653E000025303264
7A540: 000000005072657653656C6563740000
7A550: 4A756D7020746F004368616E67650000
7A560: 44656C65746500002573202573000000
7A570: 5B537769746368206D6F64655D000000
7A580: E4D3C2B10DCD0000BE01000000000000,"\
{p=xFolder ver=1 cp=benj9 id=CD0D pf=n}","\
{c key lsk=1 rsk=4 green=0xB center=0x1A `navi up`=0x3B `navi dn`=0x3C","\
`navi left`=0x3D `navi right`=0x3E ljoker=0x11 rjoker`=0x1D `lside up`=0x14","\
`lside dn`=0x15 `rside up`=0xD `rside dn`=0xE}","\
{1 o key c=key v=0x1A}{2 cb longpress v=1}{3 b `max folders` v=10}","\
{4 b `folder string maxlen` v=64}{8 i `menu icon` v=172}",00
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
/*** Usage *************
Configure hotkey in master midlet. By pressing hotkey, you get in radiobutton list labeled
"Jump to xFolder", where you can choose folders to jump to. The selection is sticky, so next
time you enter menu by hotkey, selection is at same folder as previous time.

At first start, list is empty, there is only one entry named [Switch mode]. Click, you see a
menu with entries
> Jump to
> Change
> Delete

"Jump to" is the normal jump mode you enter by pressing the hotkey, "Change" and "Delete"
are for maintaining the list of folders. In all 3 modes you have the "[Switch mode]" entry
to switch to another mode.

By clicking on "Change", you get in a menu where you see all available slots for folders,
first time all labelled "<free>". Click at one of them, you get in a explorer selection where
you can navigate through file system. Choose one folder. You get back in the "Change" menu
and you can define more folders.

In "Delete" menu you can click on a folder to delete this entry.

In "Jump to" and "Delete" menu you see only the defined entries, in "Change" menu you see all entries.

Change the number of available entries in master midlet.

If you want to change the order of the folder entries, edit "xFolder"... entries in 1:/default/setup.pd

Advanced: you can jump to the defined folders by other patches by calling func(int foldernum), where address
of func is A007A111", and foldernum is 1 to n for first folder (in you see all slots in change menu"), and
n is last folder available.

In case of problems having enabled pin input at boot and using xtask, use patch "Master 1.4 & Elf compatibility"
如果非要替换的话,自己替换吧。{p=xFolder ver=1 cp=benj9 id=CD0D pf=n}","\
{c 09632E95 `E65D6F8F2E95`=1 `F3536F8F2E95`=4 `FF7E2E95`=0xB `2D4E2E95`=0x1A `B96511540A4E`=0x3B `B96511540B4E`=0x3C","\
`B9651154E65D`=0x3D `B9651154F353`=0x3E `F397504E2E95`=0x11 `0A4E517F2E95`=0x1D `F8763A67`=0x14","\
`A74FAD643E65`=0x15 `F397CF91A052`=0xD `F397CF91CF51`=0xE}","\
{1 o 09632E95 c=09632E95 v=0x1A}{2 cb 7F950963 v=1}{3 b `8765F64E39597065CF91` v=10}","\
{4 b `00672759305740577F95A65E` v=64}{8 i `DC835553FE560768` v=848}",00


;【MP】【S7C V47】接上耳机自动运行播放器V7.5
;Run mediaplayer at headset connection
;(c) -=(Kad)=-, Kibab
;(r) ~Jhellico, ThE TrIFoN;(p) loquat
;Version: 7.5-MP
034E232: 201C3DF769FA2EF7D0E9 014FB847C04601DB06A0
006DBB0: 0xFFFFFFFF 0xA027C5DC ; 2nd BLX\BL instruction after entrypoint

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
006DB00: 14B5201CB7DF2A4FB8472E48C4DF4CD0
006DB10: 071C43DF01307978C14046D388DF797A
006DB20: 884229D1C7DFDF8000781A283DD06EDF
006DB30: 01283AD07FDF01282BD0C6DFF9788842
006DB40: 00D832E07121785C012802D0022803D0
006DB50: 2BE0C7DFFF0123E08020C7DF2501061C
006DB60: 391C20318022C7DF6C010021301C94DF
006DB70: 301CC7DF290113E0387E002815D0C7DF
006DB80: F801022811D1C7DFDF8000781A280CD0
006DB90: 03E0C7DFF801012807D1C7DFFF0104E0
006DBA0: 387979797A89FB7B98DF94BC04373847

006DBC0: E4D3C2B104AD00000000000000000000,"\
{p=`Run player at headset connection` id=AD04 cp=`-=(Kad)=-, Kibab` ver=7.5}\
{info=`(r) ~Jhellico, \nThE TrIFoN`}","\
{c wtd `Exec playlist`=2 `Exec play last`=1}\
{c mt `E-EL71`=21 `S-SL75`=19}\
{sm `Run player at`}\
{1.0 cb `Lock` v=1}\
{1.1 cb `Unlock` v=1}\
{sm `Sound settings`}\
{4 h `Sound` v=90}","\
{5 b `Frequency` v=25}\
{10 ms `Duration` v=249}\
{15 cb `Play if vibra off` v=1}\
{9 o `Your phone type` c=mt}\
{113 o `What to do:` c=wtd v=2}\
{24 cb `Pause on disconect` v=1}\
{32 sf `Playlist` mask=`*.m3u` ml=80}","\
{3 sl `Dont run player if akku is lower than: \n(0=always run)` r=0..100 v=15}\
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
{p=`A56333803A67D08F4C88AD643E656856` id=AD04 cp=`-=(Kad)=-, Kibab` ver=7.5}\
{c wtd `0990E962AD643E6517526888`=2 `0A4E216BAD643E6517526888`=1}\
{c mt `E-EL71`=21 `S-SL75`=19}\
{sm `D08F4C88AD643E656856`}\
{1.0 cb `01952E95D876` v=1}\
{1.1 cb `0D4E01952E95D876` v=1}\
{sm `F3974865BE8B9A5B`}\
{4 h `F3974865` v=90}","\
{5 b `91988773` v=25}\
{10 ms `68541F67` v=249}\
{15 cb `2F63A8527351ED95F665AD643E65F3974865` v=1}\
{9 o `4B623A678B57F753` c=mt}\
{113 o `0990E962CD645C4F` c=wtd v=2}\
{24 cb `D4620B4E33803A675C50AD64` v=1}\
{32 sf `175268888765F64E` mask=`*.m3u` ml=80}","\
{3 sl `3575CF914E4F8E4E78002500F6650D4EAD643E65280030003D003B602F66AD643E652900` r=0..100 v=15}\
;[S7C V47]文件管理器中增加全部删除
;* "Delete all" instead of "Manage licence" in My Stuff *
;(c) @ndres/PRM
;(p) loquat
036E1B2: 24 07
047543C: 7821 1B00

185A301: E7AEA1E79086E69D83E99990E8AEB8E58FAF E585A8E983A8E588A0E999A4FFFFFFFFFFFF
185AAA8: E7AEA1E79086E69D83E99990E8AEB8E58FAF E585A8E983A8E588A0E999A4FFFFFFFFFFFF
185B7F3: E7AEA1E79086E69D83E99990E8AEB8E58FAF E585A8E983A8E588A0E999A4FFFFFFFFFFFF
;[S75 V47]替换所有软键为时间日期;Time and date instead soft-buttons description everywhere
;(c) BingK(binghelingxi), vGamBIT
;(p) loquat
;S7C v47
#pragma enable old_equal_ff
0x00061140: 331C0091211C0A987746FFB482B0041C
0x00061150: 01290BD169460020154FB84768460278
0x00061160: 43781449201C144FB8470FE000216846
0x00061170: 0F4FB84700981149401A114901B46846
0x00061180: 427A037A201C0C4FB84701B002B0FFBC
0x00061190: 3F1D3847253032643A25303264002530
0x000611A0: 32642E253032642E2530326400000000
0x000611B0: 132e96A0941106A0356a99A0D0070000
0x000611C0: 9E1106A0
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
0x00A3CF1C: 331C0091 00488047
0x00A3CF20: 211C0A98 411106A0
;Turn off illumination during the call
;(c) ThE TrIFoN, Serega_1
;(p) loquat
;Version: 2.0
422A64: C986DEA0 A10054A1

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
15400A0: 08B5024B9847024B984708BD,0xA09902EF
15400B0: 0xA0DE86C9
#pragma disable old_equal_ff
; * Change Screensaver Timeout Interpretation *
; (c) benj9
; (p) Zach
; S7Cv47
029E8E8: 3C 01 ; treat minutes as seconds
;029E8E8: 3C 0i10 ; treat minutes as sixth part of seconds
;029E8E8: 3C 0i15 ; treat minutes as quarter seconds
184c349: E58886 E7A792 ;word minutes to seconds ;(c)loquat