[i=s] 本帖最后由 cwj9311 于 2009-6-18 09:08 编辑 [/i]
Dev Team超级雪ultrasn0w破解3.0演示视频地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTkxMzAzMzI=.html
DEV-TEAM博客摘要翻译:Big week!
As anyone reading this blog must already know, this is the big week where Apple releases their official 3.0 FW to the public (Wednesday), and then the new iPhone2,1 hardware, aka the iPhone 3GS (Friday).
每一个阅读我们博客的人都已经了解到,这周里Apple将会官方正式发布3.0固件系统(星期三), 然后是新的iPhone2.1, 也就是iPhone 3GS (星期五) On Tuesday evening (just before the big Apple release) we’ll do a live demo of the yellowsn0w carrier unlock working on official 3.0 firmware. The actual link for the feed will be twittered by @MuscleNerd (see our twitter feeds to the right) and also placed here when the feed starts. The demo should answer everything you need to know about the new yellowsn0w. But it’s good news for iPhone 3G unlockers everywhere.
在星期二的晚上(6月16号,美国时间),我们会做一个在线演示如何用新的黄雪解锁官方3.0固件. Feed的连接将会在Twitter发布 @MuscleNerd. 演示时候会解答一切大家需要知道的关于新黄雪内容. .这对不管来自任何地方的 iPhone 3G使用者都是个极大的好消息。 Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of testing our PwnageTool and QuickPwn tools, which will work with iTunes 8.2. The jailbreak of course continues to work on 3.0 for all devices it ever worked on, thanks due the Pwnage 2.0 technique released last summer. Our tools will be released no sooner than the Apple release (just in case!).
同时,PwnageTool与 QuickPwn这两款破解工具正在测试中, 不久将会在iTunes 8.2上运行.以前可以越狱的iPhone都将会在3.0的系统下继续越狱!在这里感谢上个暑期发布的Pwnage 2.0 技术! 我们的越狱工具将会在苹果3.0发布后尽快与发布。 P.S. For the new iPhone 3GS, please don’t expect periodic updates about any progress we have or don’t have. Nothing gives Apple the upper hand like someone tweeting or blogging or partial hack results. That’s not how cat & mouse is played
That’s how the cat gets fed.
PS:关于新的iPhone 3GS,请大家不要期望会有关于我们破解及越狱的定期更新. 没有东西比毫无目的的谈论或者发布博客或者给出部分的破解成果更能帮助苹果的了!这样就不是猫捉老鼠的游戏,而是变成如何喂猫(苹果)的游戏了
Dev Team超级雪ultrasn0w破解3.0演示视频地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTkxMzAzMzI=.html
DEV-TEAM博客摘要翻译:Big week!
As anyone reading this blog must already know, this is the big week where Apple releases their official 3.0 FW to the public (Wednesday), and then the new iPhone2,1 hardware, aka the iPhone 3GS (Friday).
每一个阅读我们博客的人都已经了解到,这周里Apple将会官方正式发布3.0固件系统(星期三), 然后是新的iPhone2.1, 也就是iPhone 3GS (星期五) On Tuesday evening (just before the big Apple release) we’ll do a live demo of the yellowsn0w carrier unlock working on official 3.0 firmware. The actual link for the feed will be twittered by @MuscleNerd (see our twitter feeds to the right) and also placed here when the feed starts. The demo should answer everything you need to know about the new yellowsn0w. But it’s good news for iPhone 3G unlockers everywhere.
在星期二的晚上(6月16号,美国时间),我们会做一个在线演示如何用新的黄雪解锁官方3.0固件. Feed的连接将会在Twitter发布 @MuscleNerd. 演示时候会解答一切大家需要知道的关于新黄雪内容. .这对不管来自任何地方的 iPhone 3G使用者都是个极大的好消息。 Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of testing our PwnageTool and QuickPwn tools, which will work with iTunes 8.2. The jailbreak of course continues to work on 3.0 for all devices it ever worked on, thanks due the Pwnage 2.0 technique released last summer. Our tools will be released no sooner than the Apple release (just in case!).
同时,PwnageTool与 QuickPwn这两款破解工具正在测试中, 不久将会在iTunes 8.2上运行.以前可以越狱的iPhone都将会在3.0的系统下继续越狱!在这里感谢上个暑期发布的Pwnage 2.0 技术! 我们的越狱工具将会在苹果3.0发布后尽快与发布。 P.S. For the new iPhone 3GS, please don’t expect periodic updates about any progress we have or don’t have. Nothing gives Apple the upper hand like someone tweeting or blogging or partial hack results. That’s not how cat & mouse is played
PS:关于新的iPhone 3GS,请大家不要期望会有关于我们破解及越狱的定期更新. 没有东西比毫无目的的谈论或者发布博客或者给出部分的破解成果更能帮助苹果的了!这样就不是猫捉老鼠的游戏,而是变成如何喂猫(苹果)的游戏了