


Blown Rear wings: seperating and stalling

NOTE: Update on McLarens Snorkel\Rear wing here

Renaults CFD shows how the flow passes around a multiple element rear wings

For an F1 car the rear wing creates around a third of the cars downforce. But running at high speed the drag from the rear wing is tremendous. Anything that reduces the drag of the rear wing will aid top speed. If this can be done in a non linear way, that is; high downforce\drag at lower speeds increasing towards top speed and then less drag only at speeds where car is in a straight line and doesn’t need downforce, then laptimes will show an improvement.

A single element wing sees the flow separate (circle) at steep angles


As airflows over the surface of a wing it has a tendency to slow down and separate from the wing. Particularly underneath the wing which runs at a lower pressure than the top surface. This separation initially reduces efficiency by adding drag to the wing, before the airflow totally breaks up and the wing stalls. When a wing stalls the wing loses most of its downforce and drag.

A single element wing will then stall, as the flow breaks up under the wing

The steeper a wings angle, the greater chance of separation. To combat this aerodynamicists need to speed up the flow near the wings surface, to do this they split the wing into separate elements, this creates a slot. Which sends high pressure air from above the wing through the slot, which then speeds the local flow underneath the wing. The more slots the steeper the wing can run.

With a two element wing, flow passes through the slot to prevent seperation

In the nineties teams were unlimited in the number of elements they could use. Slowly the rulemakers sought to reduce the wings potential for downforce and reduced the number of elements (defined as ‘closed sections’ within the rules), initially to four then three and currently two. Modern rear wings are made up to two elements, a main plane (the forward section of wing) and a flap (which sits behind it). Thus the wing is intended only to have a single slot and hence only one place to speed up the flow under the wing. However the rules are typically vague, thus a small 15cm section in the middle of the wing is exempt from this rule, teams have been adding a slot in this area for several years now. This slot is the same dimension on the front as it is on the back of the wing, so there has been no issues of legality within the rules, most team run a wing of this configuration.
去年BMW Sauber和McLaren的尾翼开的15cm的小缝有点不一样,这缝的入口向出口会慢慢变宽,再出口出甚至跟整个尾翼一样宽。根据设计,气流会以指定的角度流向尾翼下表面,差不多与通过尾翼的大部分气流平行。这有钻了一个规则的空子,虽然缝的尾部已经于尾翼一样宽,但是头部却符合’只能开在尾翼中间‘的规定,而且主翼依然完整,小翼个数仍是2个。这样’伪三翼‘的设计增加了尾翼的临界攻角,提供了更大下压力的可能性。今年Williams也是这样设计了他们的尾翼。

Last year BMW Sauber and McLaren ran wings with the narrow 15cm opening on the front of the wing, but this inlet diverged to make a slot the full width of the rear wing (normally within the main plane). This slot was aligned to send its airflow at an acute angle, roughly inline with the general flow over the wing. Again this was deemed legal as the slot made the wing profile an ‘open section’ only in the middle of the wing, where as the outers spans remained a ‘closed section’ albeit one with a “U” shape. With this design the slot could allow the entire wing to be steeper and not just the geometry in the middle 15cm of the wing. This year Williams have joined the group running these sorts of wings.

With a blown wing, the extra inlet\outlet creates a legal second slot

之前各车队都在探索如何利用尾翼失速来减小阻力,增加赛车的最高时速。他们发现,通过可变尾翼,在高速状态下,尾翼上的缝隙变小,使尾翼失速。FIA通过加强强度测试和强制slot gap separators的手段阻止了这种设计。现在slot gap separators是尾翼的强制部件,它是一块在两片尾翼之间固定的一块板,这样一来这两片尾翼就不能移动了(求清晰大图)。
Again previously teams have sought to use the wing stalling to gain top speed (from the reduced drag). By flexing the wings at higher speed, the wings move to create smaller slot gaps and this leads to the wings stalling. The FIA has acted with both load tests and in the past few year slot gap separators to prevent this practice. Slot gap separators are now mandated for the rear wing, and appear a plate fitted around the profile of the two wing elements to prevent them moving.

McLaren 2010的尾翼并没有在主翼上开缝,而是开在了副翼上。大家都在投诉FIA说这样是犯规,如果这真的是不符合规定的话,McLaren就是在利用它使尾翼失速。(我看八成是)

The McLaren 2010 wing uses a slot in the flap (not the main plane), this time fed by the shark fin and an opening above the drivers head. If the teams’ protests about its legality are true, then the issue is that McLaren are using the slot to stall the wing.

A slot in the flap could break up the airflow and allow the wing to stall


This could be possible in several ways; one could be having the slot orientated differently to the airflow over the wing, if it were at nearer right angles to the flow it could blow hard enough to disrupt the airflow enough to stall the wing. Another solution might be that the slot blows at lower speed maintaining a clean airflow over the wing, then at higher speed the slot chokes with the greater airflow trying to pass through it, the slot no longer blowing stalls the wing.

These approaches would have to be tuned to have no effect at speeds lower than the top speed on the straight, thus the wing would provide normal downforce until near top speed. Then near top speed the flow through the slot would start disrupt the wings flow and stall the wing. The difficulty in getting this tuning to work is what’s given rise to the rumour about the driver operated snorkel duct on the McLaren.