Read full flash from phone
Write full flash to phone
Remove T-Mobile & etc... Customizations and upload Customization files....
Change languages
Repair "Flash Sector Locked"
Unlock all type of locks (Net Lock,SIM Lock,WAP Lock,etc.)
Relock to network
Repair/Change IMEI
Repair "System Failure" 100% all case of sw problems
Write full EEPROM to phone (in 15 seconds by flash cable)
Read full EEPROM from phone
Set/Repair LCD Contrast
Repair all SW faults like : SMS send/receive error,Restart automatically,No ringtones,etc...
Repair Blank Display or High contrast (even in A800!!)
Repair "Paused by temperature" in C10x
Repair No Network in C10x
Repair "Call End" & "Call Failed"
Write Start-Up string to phone
Repair "Phone Freezing"
Repair "Phone locked return for servicing" & "Wrong Card"
Repair API
Repair "Permanently Blocked"
Show list of all languages inside flash before flashing!