下面是引用黄昏吾人于2005-12-22 15:56发表的:
Oh, i should change to this (due to different language expressions):
I swap my sim card out and use different phone everyday.
so Monday thru Friday (use z800i+512mb as Mp3 player)
Monday: 802sh
Tuesday: white 902sh
Wednesday: 903sh
Thursady: 910i
Friday: black 902sh
Saturday: W900i
Sunday: z800i only, no phone calls, dude!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully, a N80 or P990 will be added to my collection sooooooooooooon!
Nokia: 2190/6190/8290/2x8890/6101 (same old same old design)
Moto: startac/p7389/v60/v600 (quality problems, stay away)
SE: GF788/3xt28world/t68/t610/t300/k700/p800/p910/z800i/w900/p990(soooooon) (SE, best experience ever)
SamSung: s105/s300/s307 (so so)
Sharp: 802sh/2x902sh/903sh (good screen and camera, but need more functions and be more user friendly, i mean using java and multimedia wise)
You don't have to win the lotto to get all those phones. A nice amp/tv/laptop/Monitor is more expensive than all of them. you do the math. I have seen someone worse than me. Different people have different hobbies and priorities. BTW, aim higher! several million USD won't satify me, at least not my goal.
peace out everyone. [s:15]