Dissertation summary
This article takes improvement of elisor efficiency , debasement of cost of lawsuit and deepening of trial manner as purpose. It conceive from why set up imparl , law frame of imparl setup and what should be payed attention to while implementing imparl. The dissertation start off from the present intercession system of national court , analysing the abuse of present lawsuit intercession system and the intercession mode of combination of intercession and interrogation of national court, bringing forward the necessity of seting up the imparl system. And then analyse the concept , character , mode , princile , scope of application and the time limit of cognizance of imparl. Thereinto especially expatiating the mode and principle of intercession whose setting up prcedure is comparativlely independent and intercession and interrogation is comparatively separated. Finally , according to trial practice , emphasizing several issues which may easily be neglected by judges.
Court intercession , also called lawsuit intercession , is an activity presided by trial personnel of People's Court and both clients come to an agreement after negotiation by free will about civil disputes . It's not only a manner of work but also a manner of case ending of People's Court whose special value of elisor relief brings important function into full play from long before. But elisor faces to challenge and significant innovation after joining WTO. Justice, high efficiency, openness and democracy is the direction of the innovation of elisor system. Some of the present law system of our country can't adapt to the need of innovation now. In pace with the going on of trial manner innovation , enhence of people's law consciousness and the boosting of the course of manage state according to