How did you get the scar on your upper lip?—Maurine, Derwood,Maryland
I can't remember a specific incident.
I must have fallen on my face as a kid running up and down diestreets of Brooklyn.I'm going to have to ask Mom about thatone.
You're a well-educated man—do you ever regret nottaking your knowledge into another career? —Amanda,Memphis
Never. Acting is in my heart of hearts.
How do you feel about being a heartthrob? —Amy,Bloomington, Indiana
It's neither here nor there. If it opens a few doors for me,I'm willing to go along on that ride.
Will we ever get to see Michael and Dr. Sara gettogether romantically? —Daisy, St. Louis
I'll say that before the brothers break out, Michael and Saratake their relationship to the next level.
What is the significance of the black cord pendantnecklace you wear? —Kelly, Douglas, Georgia
It's a simple solid-silver piece at the end of that cordnecklace. I found it at a flea market. It doesn't do anything, itdoesn't hold anything. It just is, which I thought was a statementin and of itself. It spoke to me.
How do you pass the time when they're applyingMichael's full-body tattoo? —Shiran, Los Angeles
I listen to my iPod. I watch old movies on a little TV/DVDset, like "His Girl Friday" or the original "The Hills Have Eyes."The-makeup team and I work our way through various TV series. Thelast was Family Guy. I made it through all six seasons of Oz inthree months.
温帅:我就听我的iPod啊。或者就在一个迷你的TV/DVD机上看些老电影了,比如“HisGirl Friday”或者原版的“The Hills HaveEyes”。所有的化妆人员和我就靠看各种电视剧来打发时间了。最后一个要提的是“FamilyGuy”,我在三个月时间内看完了整个6季的“监狱风云”。
When asked about your race, what do you tell people? --Soycheng, Vancouver, Washington
I say I'm of mixed race, and if they ask for specifics, I rattle off the details: My mother is Russian, French, Syrian, Lebanese and Dutch; my father is African-American, Jamaican, English, German and part Cherokee.
How difficult was it dealing with racism growing up and now trying to find roles in Hollywood? —Stephanie, Milton, Massachusetts
I'll find myself standing in the company of someone who will make an offhand comment about someone else who is clearly "this" or "that," knowing that they haven't realized that I may also be "this" or "that." They feel free to make that sort of comment in front of me, and then I'm faced with the choice of "Do I stop the party and start lecturing, or do I keep quiet and internalize this insult to someone who looks like they could be my family?" It's a difficult choice, and I'd like to say that I always do the right thing, but the fact is it can be exhausting trying to educate someone. Confronting people can be difficult. As for how race has played into my experience in the business, it's really difficult to say. Obviously I'm not in the room when they're talking about my audition tape, so I don't know what goes into that process. I will say I've been fairly pleased by the reaction to my casting in Prison Break, which is basically no reaction at all. I'm playing a white character. There are those who would argue that actors of a certain background should not play certain parts, and those who would argue that those limitations should be challenged. I'm not interested in weighing in on that. I just want to work.
Any interest in comedy? —Camille, Brooklyn, New York
Absolutely. Romantic comedy, dark comedy, maybe even slapstick.
What's on your iPod? —Patty, Los Angeles
A lot of classical—Tchaikovsky is a favor—and some old-school Ella Fitzgerald, Simon and Garfunkel, '80s-era Michael Jackson, Radiohead, Angie Stone. I like Eminem. Grunge. When I was in high school in the '80s, when I could have been listening to Poison and that kind of thing, my parents had very strict rules, and I wasn't allowed to listen to music that had lyrics while I was doing my homework. So it was classical music or nothing. I think I missed out on a lot of stuff that my peers were into.
温帅:很多经典的曲目,柴可夫斯基是我最喜欢的。还有些唱校园民谣歌曲的如Ella Fitzgerald(20世纪最有影响力的爵士乐歌手),Simon & Garfunkel,80年代的麦克·杰克逊,Radiohead(英伦经典摇滚乐队),Angie Stone(R&B女歌手)。我也喜欢Eminem。在80年代我上高中的时候,我那个年纪应该是听Poison合唱团那种摇滚曲风的歌曲,可我父母却严格要求我在做作业的时候不能听那些有歌词的音乐。所以我所能喜欢的也就是那些经典音乐或者就什么都不听。我认为自己错过了一些我那个时候该做该听的东西。
If you could play any character in literature, whom would you play? —Jennifer, Millville, New Jersey
Well, if we can expand the definition of literature to include comic books, I'd definitely love a crack at General Zod from "Superman."
温帅:嗯,如果能把戏剧作品也包含到所谓的经典文学作品中去的话,我肯定会演"超人"中的General Zod(这个人物是超人的主要敌人之一)
So I'm hoping that Bryan Singer makes a sequel to the "Superman" that's coming out and casts me. What five people in history do you admire? —Angela, Detroit
Q:这样的话,我希望Bryan Singer(超人归来,x战警的导演)能够给"超人"加入我的戏分~~~那历史上你最崇拜哪5个人?
I've always had an interest in the English novelists from the 1800s, which is why I became an English major. Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, Jane Austen, the Brontes. I have a very romantic, tragic vision of these people scribbling away in some attic only to be really appreciated after their demises.
温帅:我一直对19世纪以来的英国小说家非常感兴趣,这也是我后来选择英语文学专业的原因.象查尔斯·狄更斯, [size=-1]威廉·萨克雷,简·奥斯丁,[size=-1]勃朗特姐妹等作家,他们生前在一些小阁楼里写着作品,死后才为人所知,我在他们身上看到了一种浪漫而又点悲剧的情节。
What will you be doing during the Prison Break hiatus? —Michele, Chatsworth, California
I've decided to do nothing at all. I've been lucky enough to get lots of movie offers, but the show is my first priority, and I'm very tired. I know if I want to give my all to the second season, I really need to take a couple months off to recharge the batteries. So after driving home from Chicago to L.A., I'll kick back and take it easy.
Dave Chappelle recently said, "Success takes you where character cannot sustain you." Agree or disagree? —Voncile, Dallas
Qave Chappelle(曾得到过Emmy奖提名的美国喜剧,讽刺剧演员)最近说到:成功会让你不再适合演任何角色了,你同意还是否认这个观点呢?
Agree, for the most part. Anthony Hopkins [his costar in "The Human Stain''] said to me that success shines a magnifying glass on who you really are. Success gives you opportunities and money and power to take who you really are and run with it, so you'll either become a monster or an even better person. I hope to fall into the latter category.
Do you cook? —Cynthia, Brooklyn, New York
I can toast Pop-Tarts. That's really about the extent of it. Actually, I do have one dish I can make—spaghetti with meat sauce. I thought I was so clever the day I decided to add a can of salsa to a jar of Prego to make a kind of Mexican-Italian Bolognese sauce. I thought it was great. My friends didn't agree.
What "type" were you in school? —Carrie Ann, Walla Walla, Washington
Q: 你在学校里是属于哪一种类型的?
A lot of slashes: nerd/jock/artist/newspaper geek. I was many things, and so didn't really fit in anywhere.
You've mentioned that you were working on some short stories and a script. Any chance of us seeing them soon? —Yue Zhuo, Melbourne, Australia
Q: 你曾提到你正在创作一些短剧和写一个剧本,我们什么时候能看到哇?
It will be a long time before I feel comfortable enough to share my work, sad to say.
温帅:很抱歉的说,要等很长一段时间才能和大家分享我的作品了(要等到我觉得合适了才会拿出来show – 我们的温帅对我们米粉米饭们是无数体贴呀,不好的东西绝对不会拿出来,否则对不起我们广大粉丝了)
Do you see yourself settling down with a nice girl and having children? —Jerri, Pico Rivera, California
Q: 你能想象一下哪天和某个漂亮的女孩结婚生子吗?
Right now, my work comes first. I'm a workaholic, which is the sad truth of it. I did manage to go on a couple of dates over the past year, but I'm happiest when I'm on set, so I really need to get all of that out of my system before I can really turn my attention to more personal matters.
温帅:当然现在我的工作是第一位的.也许会让大家觉得很失望,但我的的确确是个工作狂.我过去几年确实和人家约会过几次,但我只有在自己工作的时候才感觉到快乐.所以我真的希望能够早日实现自己所有的人生理想,然后就能认认真真考虑一下个人问题了. (-- 典型的事业男,男人太有事业心会不可爱,可是摆在我们温帅身上,味道就不一样了…)