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women cosmetic spent 30,000 yuan accident sequelae surgeon physicians missing
jiaodong online (microblogging), may 24 (reporter wei qi) little face jaw, is the holy grail of many women. last year, members of the public ms. lee is to make you become more beautiful,chaussure louboutin pas cher, choose the plastic body of yantai, a company called "han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery". the results spent over 30,000 yuan, ms. lee did not see the desired results, but also left some of the fallout. ms. lee back again to find the beauty agency rights, but could not find how his surgeon plastic surgeon. in july 2011, ms. lee in a friends suggestion, it is intended to be a plastic surgery. insurance, ms. lee on the choice of a cosmetic plastic surgery organizations known as the "yantai largest" han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery. and spend some money, chose the hospital dean personally surgery. i do face lift surgery. from before the spring festival last year, in the temples into the pin of the location of the mouth infection is purulent, is bleeding, and later at a hospital in the field to play a good half of anti-inflammatory needle go on. "lee told reporters that she was still in the plastic body long chin, but according to friends and family said, after basically not changed; later she consulted a number of other beauty institutions, the answer is surgery do is not very satisfactory, is not very good shape. ms. lee said, done seems more than six months, to the rainy weather, had surgery where particularly uncomfortable, accompanied by a feeling of swelling and pain. "the result is not satisfactory, ms. lee has more than to find han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery discussion to say, the hospital has not given a specific answer. according to ms. lee, she began to require the most time to view the surgery consent, the plastic body has been to not give an invoice or receipt. finally, ms. lee, the assistance of the health sector to get a surgery consent to this view, ms. lee was shocked. "the operation was agreed to sign the book turned out to be the name of dong li first of all, this doctor i never heard of, and secondly, promised their president personally i do it, how they changed as a person." get the surgery consent form, lee found the dean of the plastic body, the surgeon asked signed physician why become a "dong li, this time, the surname dean said this surgery is not she to do the. ms. lee told reporters that the medical industry or cosmetic plastic surgery industry, "who should be an operation, signed in the name of, and how the signature is not a surgery?" ms. lee then went to han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery , the staff over there actually have not heard of such a doctor, a circle inquire down, did not know that this surgery who do. is surgery to ms. lee, who is president or directors korea? ms. lee can not understand how to figure out. in media interviews, han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery surnamed liang dean insisted that the first surgery is not her doing. will dong li? can ms. lee said that she had never heard of dong li. in order to understand the truth of the matter, the reporter had visited the relevant department. where registration for the record in the bureau of health, the reporter did find the information of dong li, dong li is indeed han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery doctor (physician). since it is, ms. lee why han hsiu never seen dong li? the reporter had tried to contact dong li himself, were surprised to discover, dong li is not the yantai people not living in yantai. the hospital does not provide any information of the dong li. these questions,chaussure louboutin pas cher, the reporters think han hsiu become even more shrouded in mystery. han hsiu cosmetic surgery hospital official website to see the shows experts, dong li; dean style of its web site and the experts of the page to open and display an error. according to ms. lee, a point can be confirmed, surgery agreed to the book signing, not arbitrary sign, because the surgery with her feedback said signature physician called dong lai. yantai municipal health bureau staff interview, the reporter learned that, as expressly provided in writing specifications of medical instruments, surgical agree with the book by surgery or an assistant with the patients or their families personally give a detailed account of illness, the goal of surgery may occur the risk of complications; by the patients themselves or relatives agree,christian louboutin shoes, both doctors and patients to perform the signature procedures before surgery. if that is not a surgeon or assistant to signature, belonging to the violations. in other words, since the sign is the name of dong li, dong li surgeon or assistant, in the surgery, ms. lee, dong li should be present. the hospital refused to disclose the whereabouts and contact details of dong li dong li presence of surgery for the ms. lee, the current reporter could not confirm. moreover, dong li, the word is still a doubt is not dong lai i signed. dean liang yuling reporter called han hsiu cosmetic plastic surgery, hoping to understand the truth of the matter. liang yuling said things need to be addressed, to give reporters later reply, but as of press time, has not yet been any response.
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