[i=s] 本帖最后由 天使不在家 于 2009-11-4 15:32 编辑 [/i]

Come on, don't tell me you didn't see this coming. Prince of Perisa has got everything you need to make it into a blockbuster. The depth of each character, the adrenaline, the baddies and the action are stupendously marvellous. The picturesque settings are exquisite. And the story (of course I am talking of the Sands of Time series - Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones) is mind-blowing. If you still don't get it, take a look at the prince. Ain't he looking cool standing in the burning fire.
他是高贵的王子,同时也是黑夜的战士。 波斯王子
一千零一夜的故事翻过了尘封的历史,时光流逝,曾经带领我们走入传奇世界的波斯王子再次拿起了心爱的弯刀,在日新月异的电脑技术陪伴下创造着新的神话。2003年底,UBISOFT的超级大作《波斯王子》在无数玩家的期待中抹掉盔甲上最后的一粒沙尘,昂首踏入万千玩家的视线。而从个人电脑到家用游戏平台,都将成为这位久违的王子所要征服的对象。 波斯王子那神话般的传奇也就此展开。
语言种类: 中文
操作系统:Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 6.0 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC VGA,Windows Mobile 6.0 Pocket PC VGA,Windows Mobile 6.1 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 6.1 Pocket PC VGA

Come on, don't tell me you didn't see this coming. Prince of Perisa has got everything you need to make it into a blockbuster. The depth of each character, the adrenaline, the baddies and the action are stupendously marvellous. The picturesque settings are exquisite. And the story (of course I am talking of the Sands of Time series - Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones) is mind-blowing. If you still don't get it, take a look at the prince. Ain't he looking cool standing in the burning fire.
他是高贵的王子,同时也是黑夜的战士。 波斯王子
一千零一夜的故事翻过了尘封的历史,时光流逝,曾经带领我们走入传奇世界的波斯王子再次拿起了心爱的弯刀,在日新月异的电脑技术陪伴下创造着新的神话。2003年底,UBISOFT的超级大作《波斯王子》在无数玩家的期待中抹掉盔甲上最后的一粒沙尘,昂首踏入万千玩家的视线。而从个人电脑到家用游戏平台,都将成为这位久违的王子所要征服的对象。 波斯王子那神话般的传奇也就此展开。
语言种类: 中文
操作系统:Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 6.0 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC VGA,Windows Mobile 6.0 Pocket PC VGA,Windows Mobile 6.1 Pocket PC,Windows Mobile 6.1 Pocket PC VGA
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